Page 8 of Perfect Strangers

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“What do you think? Do I look presentable enough?” I asked Becca, turning around to give her the full view.

“Boring, you mean? I’m still thinking you should unbutton one more button on that shirt, but I will admit I liked the pencil skirt. Grey is your color, Melody Crown,” she winked at me after studying me closely.

“I’m going to an interview, Becca, not a date.”

“I’m just saying some cleavage wouldn’t hurt you or your soon-to-be-boss,” she wiggled her eyebrows.

Rolling my eyebrows, “Yeah, yeah, sure… if we keep up with this chat, I’m gonna be late. Can I borrow your car?”

“Of course you can. I’m working from home this week,” she waved me off, heading to the kitchen.

She was an excellent editor and mostly working from home, keeping me company during my unemployed status. Also, I was her charity project since she didn’t accept any money from me for rent. I hoped I would change this situation after the interview.

I programmed the address into the GPS, trusting this device to show me the way. The address Brad gave me was a place outside of the city that I wasn’t familiar with. As I followed the directions, the scenery changed. Everything I passed started to smell of money. The buildings looked like masterpieces and I wondered who created this artistry.

Finally, I came to a stop in front of a cylindrical building, made from only steel and glass. It looked like a prism, rising from earth to atmosphere, creating halos over the earth… forcing us human beings to worship the name that was written in bold and confident letters: Hawke Architecture Holding. It took my breath away, I hurried inside to see the interior design of this place. Inside was as stunning as outside. The décor was pronouncing the beauty of simplicity; steel, white, gray, and black were everywhere I saw. Nothin

g was unnecessary, no canvases on the walls… and I guessed there was no need for canvasses since the sunlight that came from windows reflected on the inside like a festival of color.

I loved this place.

I wanted to work here.

With determination in my steps, I headed to the reception area.

“Hello, welcome to Hawke Architecture. I’m Stacey. How can I help you… Miss?” the receptionist welcomed me with a friendly smile.

“Hi, Stacey! Melody Crown, I’m here for an interview with Kellan Hawke,” I answered.

“Do you have an appointment with Mr. Hawke? He hates surprise visits, Melody, I mean, Miss Crown. I wouldn’t like to see you leave the building crying,” she said, concern was written in her make-up free yet flawless face. Her attire was professional, shirt and pencil skirt, like mine, but her hair looked ridiculous yet cute with two pigtails. I liked her immediately.

“He must be expecting me,” I said, smiling.

“Okay, let me give him a call.”

Nodding, I took in my surroundings, couldn’t help myself. It was like being in the Coliseum, just made of glass.

“Mr. Hawke, Melody Crown is here to see you, sir,” she said to this Kellan guy and waited for a response, biting her lip, “Yes, sir.”

“He is waiting for you, Melody… uggh, I mean Miss Crown. I can’t get used to this formality,” she pulled her pigtails.

Laughing, “Don’t worry. Melody is fine by me… even Mel, if I can get the job. Where is Mister Hawke’s office?”

“Fifteenth floor, his office is the only one there. Good luck,” she waved at me.

On the fifteenth floor there were different rooms, I wondered why Stacey told me it was only his office. But soon, I noticed those rooms were conference rooms; I could see them thanks to glass windows. There was only one room that had tainted windows. Taking a deep breath, I knocked the steel door.

“Come in,” I heard a muffled voice behind the door.

Opening the door, I got into the room… to come to a halt with shock.

“You?” I whispered.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I said, what the fuck are you doing here? Are you some kind of stalker bitch?” he said through gritted teeth. I could feel the rage building inside him.

“You cannot fucking talk to me like that! I don’t know who you are, but I’m here for a job interview,” I shouted at him.

Tags: Abby Gale Erotic