Page 44 of Perfect Strangers

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“You don’t care? You don’t want to know what happened there, with that girl? You don’t want to know if I fucked her or not?” he hissed, trying to crack my façade.

Swallowing my tears, suppressing my anger, I walked toward the door. I knew I needed to get away from him after giving him my answer. Opening the door I answered him coldly over my shoulder, “No, Mr. Haw

ke. I do not care.”

As I headed to the terrace I was relieved he didn’t follow me.

One Week Later

Noticing a movement outside my office, I lifted my head. It was Darren, again, passing by my office even though his office was the opposite direction of mine. Kellan gave him the furthest one on the floor, like putting him in quarantine. Darren winked at me with an irritating smirk on his face. Rolling my eyes, I hit the button to taint my windows.

“Mr. Miller!” I heard Kellan’s voice loom around the office. He’d been in a bad mood since Darren started to work with us. If he could say I didn’t mean anything to him, then he should have acted like that. I didn’t want him to confuse me more than I already was.

A part of me was thinking that he was jealous another part was just angry. But the most dominant feeling was longing. I missed him so much. It’s been more than a week since I last kissed him, last touched him, and these weren’t the only things I craved of him. I missed spending time with him, laughing with him, talking about nothing and everything. In such a short time he had a big place in my life, and not having him there left a big gaping hole… like a black hole, consuming every other part of my life.

Shaking my head, I refused to make myself miserable at work with the depressing thoughts. I tried my hardest to act strong when I was here, in his sanctuary. Being here was my dream, but it also required me to build my walls high to not get hurt again because of my undying feelings for Kellan.

I checked my watch and saw it was close to lunch time. For one week, every day, Darren and Kellan were trying to get me to have lunch with them. Darren’s intention was clear –he just wanted to push Kellan’s buttons and annoy me to death. Kellan was Kellan… he was trying to make up a business requirement to call me in his office. Then, he was trying to seduce me, thinking everything could go back to normal if we fucked. I knew nothing would have changed, it would only hurt me more. And I didn’t trust myself enough when I was around him.

In this situation, I was running away from them as much as possible. With rush, I grabbed my purse and left my office.

“Emily, let’s go to lunch,” I whispered. She giggled and nodded her head since she knew exactly what I was trying to do. She was calling Stacey as I hurried toward the elevator. Once I was in the cabin, I sighed in relief. No one stopped my escape, thankfully.

Stacey was already seated when I got to the cafeteria.

“You know you should tell us what is really happening up there, right?” she winked at me, teasing, when I sat next to her.

“Maybe another time?”

“It sounds juicy,” she giggled and I laughed along with her.

“What’s so funny?” Emily sat next to us, she looked tired.

“Nothing. What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Nothing… just… he is so moody. Would it be too much if I want you to forgive him or something?” she half laughed half groaned.

“Wait… are you and Mr. Hawke together?” Stacey exclaimed.

“Shh, people will hear,” I hushed her, “And no. We aren’t together. Can we go get our meals, I really don’t want to talk about this?”

No, you don’t.

His words rang through my head again, mixing with the images of him and that girl. They still hurt me the same, still causing me to cry myself to sleep every night.

“Sure, Mel. I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to push you,” Stacey said. Nodding, I stood up from my chair to get my lunch even though I’d lost my appetite. I grabbed an apple and mineral water.

“Hey, Melody,” someone called behind me. Turning to face the owner of the voice, I saw it was Taylor from design.

“Hi, Taylor,” I smiled.

“Oh, you remember my name,” he murmured.

“Of course I remember you.” I laughed. I visited their floor a few times in the week after the musical academy project for deciding cushions as well as checking the updates of the charity project. He was always talking to me when I was there, how could I forget him?

“Is that all you’ll have for lunch?”

“I’m not hungry,” I murmured.

Tags: Abby Gale Erotic