Page 27 of Perfect Strangers

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“That night was great… really. And that same guy is my boss now,” I blurted out.

“Your what?! Oh my God! What are the odds of that happening? This is a sign, I’m telling you. The universe is trying to tell you something,” she sighed dreamily.

“That’s not all… he is also my step-brother.”

Her head jerked toward me so fast I was worried she hurt herself.

“This is really complicated. So tell me what happened from the first moment you realized that,” she urged me to go on and I told her everything.

“So… are you guys what? Like dating now?” she asked, still shocked from everything I said.

“No. That part is more complicated. We are… having sex. He is intelligent, fun, hot, and caring… I mean, he is really encouraging my dreams and all that. But… he is just…” I trailed off.

“He isn’t interested in a relationship?” she finished for me.

“I don’t think so… I’m afraid not,” I sighed.

“Don’t you think it is a little early for that? I mean… it’s only been a week? I know you’re a true romantic, I know you think sex is the same thing as love… but it’s not, Melody. People have sex without emotions. It can be only for fun,” she said.

I knew she was right. I still had that little girl inside me who believed in fairytales.

“You’re right,” I murmured.

“Don’t overthink, okay? Just enjoy the ride as long as you can,” she told me.


I wished it was that easy…

Then… there was a knock on the door.


Closing my eyes I felt her skin on my fingertips, remembering the way her body curved so deliciously. When I opened my eyes the brush was under my command to paint those soft curves.

In the background the music changed to something slower, more sensual… It was a French song that I didn’t even remember putting on my playlist, but I liked it. The soft rhythm mirrored her personality, the relaxing tone made me feel comfortable. It was the sensual undertone that affected me the most, though. Just like her sexuality, she thought she could hide it, but it was in her every step, every smile, every look; trying to burst out of her.

My body was aching with need as I remembered her skin, how it felt under me, around me, on me. Taking a deep breath, I tried to settle myself.

Painting didn’t give me the comfort it used to give. I hoped it would be a kind of celebration after the big exhaustion of music academy project, but that wasn’t it. I considered going out, but I didn’t have many friends. To be cruelly honest, I didn’t have real friends. All my “friends” were business acquaintances, co-workers, and people I’d met in meetings.

Men envied me, got jealous of me, wanted what I had, and finally they were mad at me for having all those things. I couldn’t trust any of them, because at the end if they got the chance, they would ruin me.

Women were another story. They were either after my money or my body. Some of them were even worse –hoping to have my kids and all that shit.

No one really wanted to spend time with me, wanted to know about me… except Melody Crown. She was something else. She understood my passion for architecture. She was fun to be around. She was intelligent, hot, funny, and easy to talk to. I didn’t even know how the time flew by when I was with her. She was the first woman I wanted to fuck again and again, but also the first woman I didn’t want to “just” fuck. I was enjoying the time I spent with her. I wanted to know what she was thinking as we talked. She was sincere… not fake.

Groaning, I dialed Brian.

“Mr. Hawke?” he answered at the first ring. I wondered if he ever stayed away from his technological devices.

“Send me Melody Crown’s address,” I told him.

“When do you need it, sir?”

“Right now, Brian. You have two minutes,” I cut the line.


Tags: Abby Gale Erotic