Page 24 of Perfect Strangers

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“Your mother and Brad.”

“So… do you want to go?” I whispered.

“No… but we will. They wanted to congratulate us on working together. Also, your mother wanted to meet me and I can’t postpone it any longer,” he sighed.

“Why are you calling him Brad? What did he do that you can’t forgive him?” I whispered, afraid of his reaction.

His eyes turned steel, his jaw became tense as soon as my question dropped from my lips. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply before answering me, “He chose alcohol over his family. He ruined what was so good, once. He ruined their marriage, my childhood, my trust in people. He was a failure of a husband, and a father.”

I gasped at the hate that spilling through his words, “Is that why you don’t drink?” I whispered.

“Yes… and I never will,” he said tersely, but he nuzzled my neck before continuing more softly, “Let’s have our breakfast. I want to fuck you again before we go. I won’t be able to stand being there otherwise.”

“Okay,” I whisper-moaned.


“Will it be awkward that we rode in the same car?” I asked as we stopped in front of our parents’ house. Feeling nervous and unsure of what to do in this situation.

“Why would it be? We’re working in the same place,” he shrugged.

Nodding, I got out of the car and walked toward the door, but Kellan stopped me with his hand wrapped around my wrist.

“Melody… I don’t care if these people learn that we’re fucking each other, okay? I don’t give a fuck about anyone’s opinion. I do what I want, when I want, how I want, got it? If they learn I’m fucking my stepsister, so let them know. If they frown upon us for what we’re doing, they can fuck themselves. Is it clear enough?” he hissed.

“Yes. I know you don’t give a fuck about what people think, but I care, Kellan. That is my mom in that house. I want her to be proud of me so I want her to hear this from me when it is the right time,” I said to him, as softly as possible.

“Do you think time will ever be right to tell your mom that you’re fucking your step-brother?” he snorted.

“Is that all?! Are we just fucking?” I hissed at him, feeling hurt.

His eyes got distant, his face became stoic, “Let’s get inside. They might have heard the car, you don’t want them to get suspicious of anything, right?” he said, walking past me.

My mom opened the door before I could answer Kellan, “Kellan, Mel… come in, come in,” she waved us in.

“Kellan, it’s so great to finally meet you in person. I’m Georgiana. I’ve heard so many things about you. How handsome you are,” my mom couldn’t hide her excitement even a bit.

“Thanks, Georgiana. Nice to meet you,” he kindly replied and tried not to cringe when my mom hugged him really tight.

Kellan and Brad didn’t say a word to each other, even though I saw several times Brad was about to say something but changed his mind. During the dinner the tension became more palpable. Kellan’s hand was moving closer to my panties u

nder the table, I knew it was his way of distracting himself. I sipped my wine, to hide my blushing when his fingers got under my panties.

My mom cleared her throat, “Thanks a lot for hiring Mel, Kellan. It makes me happy she is working for you and earning experience, like a real family.”

I coughed roughly, grabbing a tissue, trying not to move a lot and reveal Kellan’s hand that was still keep petting my pussy.

He was a freak!

“Are you okay, baby?” my mom asked.

“Yeah, Mom… wrong pipe,” I managed to say, trying to close my thighs but it only increased the feel of his hand.

“I knew you’d be a good team together. Both great minds,” Brad said, causing Kellan to tense beside me.

“Like you know anything about me,” he snapped.

“Of course I know you, Kellan. You’re my son and I’m so proud of the man you’ve become,” Brad continued, I wished he stopped because I knew this would only make Kellan angrier.

Tags: Abby Gale Erotic