Page 17 of Perfect Strangers

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I was sitting in my office, wondering what she was doing on the other side of the wall, instead of drawing the first draft of the project, finding myself smiling whenever I remembered her enthusiasm about the music academy designs. My cock hadn’t even gone down since she left my office hours ago, I was afraid of blue balls. I was trying to come up with an excuse to bring her back to my office.

Why was she affecting me like this?

Office fuck was my fantasy, yes, but why did it have to be her and not my other assistants before her.

Since the morning of our one night together, with her message, her unexpected departure, there was something that fascinated me, I didn’t even throw away her note. She was cute, but just another mark on my bedpost. I fucked her away from my thoughts with that redhead the same morning…

Yet, she had to be the one my failure of a father suggested to me.

She had to be the one who had the best file among all the applicants.

She had to be my step-sister.

And like all that wasn’t enough, she had to be the one I wanted to fuck again and again without feeling boredom.

Finally, when I just said “Fuck it!” and asked coffee from her, she didn’t bring it for fifteen minutes, pushing all my buttons at once. And like this wasn’t enough she was giggling and flirting with that boring Troy guy from finance.

I saw red everywhere, not because I was jealous… C’mon why would I be jealous? I was angry because she was trying to anger me, defy me, and she wasn’t doing her job. Also, I was frustrated that I still wanted to bend her over my desk and leave my mark on her.

That was why I acted like a dick… I was already a dick, anyway.

I decided to ignore her from that moment, I thought this fascination would fade away. But I was still unable to focus on the project.

Why was I trying to stop myself anyway?

When had I ever stopped myself from doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted?

I wanted this girl, whether Brad decided to marry her mother or not, whether it wouldn’t be a one time thing anymore, whether the world would stop if I did this or not.

I wanted this girl.

I wanted her sweet little pussy wrapped around my cock at every opportunity I got.

“Fuck it!” I groaned, standing up from my chair and headed toward her office.

Rest of the evening went by without any more action. Kellan didn’t even make eye contact with me when I put his coffee on his desk. He was drawing, though. It made me happy that I could be some kind of help on the project.

I went back to my office, replied some emails, took notes for the things I had to do when I came back in the morning and continued reading files Kellan put on my desk. I was trying to learn from him, to be honest. He had a signature style in architecture; I would recognize his designs anywhere in the world. But my real passion was in interior design, that was my real profession, the place where I could work magic. I was making some mini drawing for his buildings, how I imagined their interior.

I lifted my head, massaging my taut neck muscles. Kellan was leaning against my door, for how long, I had no idea, watching me strangely. When our eyes met, he cleared his throat, “What are you doing?” he asked.

I could have asked him the same question, but instead I answered him, unsure, “Umm… reading the files.”

“No, I mean... what are you drawing?” he said, coming closer to my desk.

“Nothing, just some ideas,” I shrugged, trying to hide the paper, afraid that he would find them silly.

“Show me.”

“Kellan…” I started to protest, but he stopped me, “Show me, Melody.”

Giving him the paper, I felt so nervous like he would tell me whether I passed the class or not.

“Interior designs… they are good, really good, to be honest,” he praised me, heat rose to my cheeks from my chest.

“Thank you,” I murmured.

“Do you think you can make the full interior design?” he asked, eyes calculating.

Tags: Abby Gale Erotic