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There was a prolonged silence on Drake’s end as he intently listened to whatever her parents were saying, and she was squirming with frustration and impatience at being left out of a very important conversation concerning her! The longer she sat there, trapped by Drake’s hold, the angrier she grew until she was seething with it.

“She will be under my constant protection, and she will be residing with me from now on. She will be safe at all times and her happiness is of utmost importance to me, something I think the three of us share. I would not be much of a man if I did not do everything possible to alleviate Evangeline’s worry and stress, and part of that is ensuring that the people she loves most are provided for. In the past, she took on that task single-handedly. That’s going to change starting now. Now she has me. I will gladly provide you with all my contact numbers as well as the phone number of our residence, and you should have Evangeline’s new number now that she has called you. You are welcome to call at any time; however, if you should have any concerns and especially if you have need of anything, I would prefer you go through me, just so Evangeline is caused no unnecessary worry.”

Evangeline gave Drake a stricken look. Was he cutting off her communication with her parents? Was he restricting her access to them?

He hugged her to him and brushed a kiss across her brow as he listened to her parents’ response.

“Good,” he finally responded. “It would appear we are all in agreement in this matter.”

Evangeline felt the burn of helpless tears. Everyone but me. But the words remained unspoken, only echoing in her mind.

“Yes, sir, I completely understand, and in your position I would feel exactly the same, and I make you a promise. Evangeline will always be safe with me, and I’ll move heaven and earth to make her happy and not regret her decision to give me her trust.”

But she was already regretting it, no matter that it appeared her parents, in particular her father, had given their blessing on the whole messed-up situation. Because she felt the ends holding her together, her life, loosening and starting to unravel faster and faster and her control evaporating under Drake’s dominance. She wondered how she could possibly remain intact under someone as powerful and demanding as Drake, without becoming someone altogether different from who she was. Evangeline.

She might not have much, but she’d always known who she was and where she stood. Now Drake threatened everything. She was so shaken by what had just transpired, and perhaps she’d been too caught up in the whole Cinderella fairy tale that she hadn’t truly comprehended the magnitude of what she’d agreed to.

Or perhaps she’d known exactly what she was getting into and that secret part of herself that had reveled in Drake’s authority had asserted itself and reached out for something she’d been missing, an essential part of herself that would have been denied. She could resist and risk being unfulfilled, thus returning to her ordinary, predictable life. Or she could embrace the unknown but tantalizing life Drake was offering her and perhaps discover who she truly was and what the real Evangeline wanted.

Drake knew Evangeline was upset and off balance when she hastily scrambled from his lap when his phone call to her parents had ended and she’d muttered some excuse about needing to touch up her makeup.

He wasn’t going to call her out on it or remind her that she’d promised to relinquish control to him and that she’d given him her trust. He didn’t want to ruin the night he had planned for her. And it was understandable the way she’d reacted. The more he got to know her and peeled back the delicate layers that made up the woman he now called his, he liked who and what he saw. He was fiercely proud of her. He was asshole enough to admit that rarely had he truly felt respect and admiration for, much less pride in any of the women he associated with, but his angel was on a completely different plane. She was a challenge he simply could not resist, even if he wanted to, and he definitely wanted her, the entire package, and he was anticipating every step in their relationship. He just hoped like hell that she could manage to handle all that he dished out, because he planned to return in equal measure everything she gave to him.

She was a woman deceptively fragile and naïve looking but with an inner core of steel. And after listening in on her conversation with her parents and then speaking to them himself, he also realized that he’d come to some errant conclusions where her parents were concerned.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic