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She paused to take a break, surprised at the anger that still simmered over that whole humiliating experience.

“Once I got inside, it wasn’t any better. Everyone was staring at me like I was some alien who’d arrived in a UFO. They were smug, amused, snotty, and I felt like I was under a microscope. The only person who was nice to me was the bartender. He was sweet. And nice. He treated me like a normal person, like I was every bit as good and welcome as the others, while the rest of the people in the front bar treated me like I’d crashed a party I wasn’t invited to. It was horrible. I’d already decided to just leave. I was stupid for allowing my girlfriends to talk me into ever going, but then Eddie made his appearance with a woman Velcroed to his side whose look very clearly told me, I’m prettier than you, classier than you, better than you and I can satisfy my man, unlike you, who were a disaster in bed. And my stupid pride wouldn’t allow me to walk out because I didn’t want him to think I was ashamed or embarrassed to run into him. So I stood there, hoping he wouldn’t notice me. No such luck,” she muttered.

“There is no possible way for a man not to notice you, Angel. Unless he’s dead,” Drake said dryly. “You sell yourself far too short, but I’m going to work on that.”

She shuddered and continued on as if he hadn’t spoken. “It was horrible. The entire night was just . . . horrible. And now I’m supposed to walk out there and endure it all over again? Pretend that night didn’t happen and everyone around me isn’t judging me, laughing at me and wondering how I even got past the gatekeeper in the first place?”

If she hadn’t been so raw from reliving that night all over again, the look on Drake’s face would have terrified her. He was coldly furious, his eyes flat and his jaw clenched so tight that it had to be painful.

“None of that will happen tonight,” he said in a soft voice that held a hint of menace. “All of my employees know your status and that you are to be given whatever you request and that you are to be treated with the utmost respect. My men will be close at all times, and rest assured, if anyone disrespects you in any way, they will be dealt with and it won’t be pretty. Furthermore, if anyone crosses the line with you or so much as looks at you wrong, I want to know about it immediately. I want your word, Evangeline. You will tell one of my men so they can notify me and the issue will be resolved swiftly. I will not tolerate any disrespect directed at you.”

“Okay,” she said in a shaky voice, having learned that Drake wanted words, not gestures or nods.

His voice gentled, as did his expression and his eyes. “I want you to have a good time tonight, Angel. I’m not such an asshole that I would set you up for embarrassment, nor would I ever put you in a position where you would be uncomfortable or awkward. I have a surprise planned for you and I think it’s one you will like and as such, I think you’ll forget all about the first time you came to Impulse.”

She sank into the sumptuous leather chair as she processed his cryptic statement and cast a curious glance his way.

He smiled. “I want you to have fun tonight, Angel. From all I’ve gathered you’ve not had much fun in your life. You’ve been too busy working and providing for others.”

Her heart skipped a beat and she couldn’t help the smile or the warmth that suddenly invaded her chest at the sweet gesture.

“And speaking of which, I still need the name of your parents’ bank and their account number as well as the routing number. I’ll have my assistant call and get wiring instructions tomorrow morning. But first, I thought you’d like to call them and apprise them of the situation so the deposit doesn’t come as a surprise.”

Panic immediately replaced the euphoria she’d just experienced.

“Oh my God, Drake. What do I tell them? How do I suddenly explain a wire transfer that obviously didn’t come from me? What will they think? It will look suspicious, not to mention it will put all kinds of questions into their minds about me and what I’m doing or what I’ve done to warrant such a sudden influx of money.”

She could feel the heat invading her cheeks. Shame. How to explain Drake and her relationship with a man she’d known for just a few days?

“What if they think I’m a drug dealer or a prostitute?” she asked in horror.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic