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Evangeline looked stricken, but he also saw that his words made an impact. He could see her turning what he’d said over and over in her mind, replaying the conversation and coming to the same conclusion he had.

Then she closed her eyes as more tears silently leaked down her cheeks, colliding with his hands. He leaned forward and, starting from the bottom up, kissed the lines away, first one cheek and then the other.

“It doesn’t mean she hates you,” he said softly. “I imagine she already regrets her outburst and you’ll probably get an apology from her, and you, being you, will accept it and put it behind you and you’ll remain friends. Everyone is guilty of jealousy at some point or another. And everyone is guilty of saying things they don’t mean or lashing out at someone they love, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He stroked her cheeks with his fingers, enjoying the simple act of touching her. The conversation wasn’t over by far, because despite Steph’s intent, she had planted a seed of doubt in Evangeline’s mind. One he needed to get rid of before it festered and ruined something beautiful.

“Now, there’s something else about that conversation I want to address, and I need you to listen to me,” he said, making sure she knew how serious he was being. “You will never go without. You will always be taken care of. If it makes you feel more secure, I’ll see to it right away so you aren’t without means even when we’re together. I’ll buy you an apartment if you want to stay in the city, or if you prefer to live outside the city, I’ll buy you a house. Either will be in your name, of course. In addition, tomorrow I’ll start a bank account for you, unless you already have one of your own, and I’ll deposit two million dollars. However, when you’re with me, you aren’t to spend a fucking penny of your money. What you wear, what you eat, what you drink and anything else will be bought and paid for by me. Understand?”

Evangeline looked utterly appalled. Her expression was so horrified that she looked as if he’d just threatened her with murder. She clapped her hands over her ears.

“Stop! Oh God, just stop! I don’t want an apartment or a house and especially not your money. Are you just trying to make me feel worse?”

A shudder of revulsion rolled over her body and she looked as though she would burst into tears all over again.

“That sounds so cheap and tawdry,” she choked out. “Like I’m some paid prostitute. I’m here because I wanted to be here, Drake. Not because of what I could extort from you. Or because you have money. I only wanted . . . you. That you would think that . . .”

She broke off and covered her face with her hands, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

Drake cursed Steph, himself and this entire fucked-up situation. He knew Evangeline wasn’t like the other women he’d had and yet he’d just treated her like them. His attempt to assure her that she would never be put in a desperate situation if they were no longer together had gone horribly awry. He wasn’t used to women like Evangeline and he had no idea how to act.

He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly against his chest, deeply shaken at her impassioned outburst. I only wanted . . . you. When had anyone ever wanted him the man? For himself and not what came with him? He was so stunned that he didn’t even know how to react.

“I’m sorry, Angel,” he said gruffly. “That’s not how I intended that to sound. All I want you to know is that you’re safe with me. And that you will never go without. I swear that I meant no offense. It was a shitty thing to say, especially when I know damn well you aren’t a gold digger out to fleece me. I just didn’t think before I put it out there. I only want you to know—to believe—that I will always ensure you are taken care of. Do you trust me enough to accept my word on that?”

Slowly, she pulled away from his chest, her eyes glossy with tears, but she stared him in the eye as if studying his sincerity or intent. He’d never felt so scrutinized in his life. Nor had he ever felt himself so lacking. There wasn’t a person in the world who could stare Drake Donovan down and make him feel an ounce of remorse or compassion. Except, apparently, a small beautiful angel who he knew was a far better person than him, but he wasn’t a good enough man to let her go.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic