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Evangeline had arranged to play hostess and had gone all out. For him. Because she wanted so badly to please him, make him proud of her and let him know he mattered.

She was so beautiful she took his breath away. She was even wearing the jewelry he’d given her—gifts she’d been uncomfortable receiving because she never wanted him to think even for a moment that she wanted anything but him. Not the material things he offered. She was dressed impeccably as if she wanted to make him proud. Worthy of him when it was he who was in no way worthy of her.

And he was about to destroy the most precious gift he had ever been given because he had no other choice.

“What the hell are you doing here, bitch?” he snarled. “Do you not understand orders when they’re given to you? If I wanted my latest whore to dress up and play hostess in my apartment I damn sure would have chosen one with more class and with the intelligence to heed simple instructions.”

Evangeline’s eyes went wide with shock and devastation. She stood as still as a statue, tears gathering in her eyes, her face flushed with humiliation.

“You can’t cook for shit, so do you honestly think I’d want you to serve my business associates and embarrass me when I had already arranged delivery from one of the finest restaurants in the city?”

Tears slid down her cheeks, her eye makeup smearing in dark streaks.

“Goddamn useless woman who can’t even follow simple instructions,” he repeated with a snarl. “Get on your knees,” he barked. “Now!” when she hesitated.

Trembling and nearly falling, she clumsily fell to her knees, wincing as they made contact with the hard Italian marble floor.

Drake strode forward, reaching for his fly, opening it and pulling out his flaccid erection.

“Suck it and you better damn well make me hard and swallow every drop of my come.”

She lifted her eyes, betrayal and utter devastation dulling her eyes. He twisted his hand cruelly in her hair, yanking at the elegant knot until her hair tumbled down her neck.

“Open your goddamn mouth.”

Her lips trembled, fear replacing embarrassment and mortification. Fear. The one thing he’d sworn he’d never make her feel.

He wasn’t gentle. He couldn’t afford to be. As soon as her lips parted, he shoved his dick all the way to the back of her throat, making her gag and choke.

“Can’t even give good head,” he said in disgust.

He held her head in a brutal grip and began fucking her mouth with force he’d never before used with her.

Knowing there was no way in hell he’d come because he was in no way turned on by the brutality he was subjecting her to, he said in a harsh voice, “Swallow all of it. If so much as a drop spills, I’ll punish you so you won’t be able to sit for a week.”

“Why are you doing this?” she whispered tearfully, low enough the others couldn’t hear.

“Because you blatantly disobeyed me.”

Utter defeat was reflected in her body and expression as she robotically knelt there, enduring Drake’s brutal treatment of her. But the never-ending stream of tears was his undoing, and he was grateful the men were behind him and couldn’t see the torment on his face. Torment even Evangeline didn’t register because she’d mentally checked out, numbness overtaking her entire body.

He hated himself more than he thought it possible to ever hate anyone. Even his mother and father. When he’d spent a realistic amount of time fucking her mouth to make it believable that he’d come, he instructed her to swallow and to lick every drop of come from his dick and her lips.

Then he roughly yanked her to her feet and shoved her toward the kitchen.

“Throw out whatever shit you cooked and make sure every pot, pan or utensil is cleaned and get whatever the fuck you have set out in the living room in the trash can. From now on, you stay the fuck out of my kitchen and my business. Your only use is in my bedroom. And just so you know, you will be severely punished when I return for disobeying a direct order, one you couldn’t possibly have misunderstood.”

He hesitated, hating himself more and more with every hateful, despicable word that spewed from his mouth.

“What’s your job, whore? What is the only job you have?”

“O-obey,” she said in a choked voice.

“One responsibility and you can’t even accomplish that,” he said with fake disgust.

Then he turned to the men who’d accompanied him, disgusted that they were visibly aroused by Drake’s humiliation of Evangeline and the fact that he’d made her suck him off in front of them. He wanted to throw up.

“Let’s go somewhere we can get a decent meal. I apologize for my stupid whore’s obvious ineptitude.”

He started for the elevator door and then turned back, his expression as cold and chilling as he could make it. “When I get back, this place better be spotless and I want you in my bed, naked and ready to receive your punishment. And I won’t have any mercy.”

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic