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She dashed to the bedroom and hastily brushed out her hair, securing it into a messy bun, and then found a pair of casual slip-on shoes. After a quick once-over in the mirror—after all, she was just going to her girlfriends’ apartment—she hurried back to the kitchen just to double-check and mentally go over her menu one last time to ensure she hadn’t overlooked anything.

“Evangeline? You ready to go?” Maddox called from the foyer.

Adrenaline surged in her veins and she took a few seconds to steady her frayed nerves and then calmly called back, “Yeah. Let me grab my purse and I’ll be right there.”

She sucked in a deep breath as she collected her bag and headed to meet Maddox.

Well, here went nothing. Hopefully her plans went off without a hitch and she’d make Drake proud tonight by playing the consummate hostess.

Evangeline dashed into Drake’s apartment building, out of breath as she frantically sought Edward out. To her relief, he was in the lobby and when he saw her, he started her way, a warm smile on his face.

“I don’t have much time, Edward. I have to get to the apartment if I’m going to pull off my surprise. But I need a favor. Just as I asked you not to say a word about me sending out for groceries, when Mr. Donovan arrives, you can’t say a word about me being here. If he should inquire, I left with Maddox at five and haven’t returned.”

Edward’s eyes twinkled but his words were solemn. “Your secret is safe with me, Evangeline. I won’t say a word. I swear.”

She hugged him, squeezing hard, leaving him befuddled and flustered.

“Thank you,” she said fervently. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I don’t have much time.”

“Would you like me to ring up to let you know when Mr. Donovan gets on the elevator?” he inquired.

She hadn’t even considered that and it was an excellent idea. “That would be perfect. I never even thought about that. Thank you so much.”

“Any time. Now, be on your way so your surprise isn’t ruined.”

She dashed past him to the elevator and moments later burst into the apartment. She immediately went into the kitchen and popped the side dishes in the oven and used three skillets to cook the veal on the stovetop. The appetizers would take only a few minutes to warm, so she would save those for last.

After ensuring everything was taken care of, she ran for the bedroom to change and do her hair and makeup. She took meticulous care in perfecting her appearance, checking her watch every few minutes to make sure she didn’t ruin dinner.

Finally satisfied with the end result, she stared into the mirror, her eyes widening in shock.

She looked . . . beautiful. Sexy even. She’d gone with a smoky, sultry look for her eyes with a sheer lip gloss that didn’t detract from the dramatic effect of her eyes. Her hair was upswept into a delicate knot with loose curls floating lazily down her neck.

The choker and earrings looked magnificent, totally in keeping with the classy women Drake would be seen with. And the dress fit her perfectly, accentuating her curves. For once, she didn’t lament what she considered her imperfections because tonight she looked soft and feminine.

The dress just clipped the top of her knees, and the heels made her legs look longer and more attractive.

She fastened the last piece of jewelry, the bracelet around her wrist, and lightly spritzed her favorite perfume on her neck and wrists and then took a deep breath. It wouldn’t be long before Drake arrived with his company and she wanted to be there to greet them and play the gracious hostess.

She’d made sure she had a wide variety of fine wines and the most expensive liquors to accompany the divine appetizers she planned to arrange artfully on sterling silver platters. She’d go check on them now and when Edward called up to say Drake had arrived, she would put out the starters on the coffee table in the living room so the men could relax while she finished dinner and set the table.

Taking once last glance at herself in the mirror, she smiled, satisfied with her appearance and eager to see the approval in Drake’s eyes when he realized she’d gone to great lengths to entertain his guests.

She was quivering with excitement as she left the bedroom and went back into the kitchen to check on the side dishes in the oven and the progress of the veal on the stovetop. She sniffed appreciatively at the delicious aromas that filled the apartment, relieved that nothing smelled overdone or burned.

She cracked open the oven to see the bubbling side dishes and then she turned the veal so both sides were evenly cooked. Then she set the sauces on to warm, stirring at intervals so they didn’t scorch.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic