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She’d nervously called Lana, Nikki and Steph, thinking to catch up and bridge the gap between them, but her calls had gone unanswered and her texts had not been read. As a result, she opted to stay at Drake’s apartment and not go out because her heart wasn’t in it. She was afraid that she’d lost the friends she’d had since her days in small-town Mississippi.

That night she’d slept alone for the first time since she and Drake had become involved, and she discovered she didn’t like it very much. She tossed and turned the entire night, latching on to the ridiculous hope that he would return earlier than expected. When the morning of his scheduled arrival dawned, she was hatching a half a dozen different ways of jumping his bones as soon as he walked through the door.

As it was, within minutes of his return home, to her chagrin, her mother picked then, of all times, to call. Evangeline had cast an apologetic look in Drake’s direction, but he’d merely smiled and pulled her down into his lap as she talked to her mom—and dad—and had proceeded to distract her by nibbling on her neck and various other parts of her body until she was ready to throw the phone across the room and turn around and attack him.

He chuckled when he overheard her mother inquire about her “young man” and whether he was treating her well, and then to her surprise, he’d taken the phone from her and proceeded to converse with her parents for nearly half an hour.

She watched, pleased, as Drake spoke to them in an affectionate tone, relaxed and even smiling at intervals. Happiness tightened her chest and she snuggled into his side as he continued his conversation, assuring them that he was indeed taking very good care of their daughter but that she was taking even better care of him.

Everything about her relationship with Drake felt . . . right. No longer did she battle with the questions and fears that had plagued her earlier. The last few weeks had been nothing short of magical and she wondered if dreams really did come true. She chastised herself for being so prepared for when the other shoe dropped and it was all over.

It was time to stop being so afraid of what the future held and throw herself into the here and now and enjoy every minute of her time with Drake. Who was to say they wouldn’t end up in a long-term relationship?

Drake had proved to her time and time again that she hadn’t been wrong to give him her trust and faith. He had taken both gifts very seriously and had respected her offering, cherishing them—and her—as he’d promised to do.

She also no longer questioned whether she was good enough or asked herself what a man like him could possibly see in her. He was happy. She was happy. What else was important? No matter how she saw herself, Drake saw someone completely different, and he never passed up an opportunity to prove that to her.

She felt like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon after a long hibernation and the freedom from long-held and deep-seated insecurities was exhilarating.

Evangeline Hawthorn was . . . confident! She was beautiful! And worthy of Drake Donovan.

A ridiculous smile attacked her face and she was so encapsulated in the thrall of her dreamy thoughts that she hadn’t even registered Drake ringing off with her parents, until his lips trailed a fiery line up her neck to nibble at her ear.

“My angel looks happy,” he murmured. “I hope my return has something to do with that.”

She turned and threw her arms around his neck, peppering his entire face with kisses.

“Oh, Drake, I am happy! I missed you terribly.”

He smiled indulgently at her. “I was only gone for a day, babe.”

“It was one day too long,” she said crossly.

He grinned. “Your parents are nice.”

The swift change in conversation made her pause and then she returned his grin, her cheeks widening until they nearly cracked.

“You like them.”

“Yes,” he said seriously. “They are good people.”

Remembering that it was doubtful Drake had had much experience with good people, she regarded him with the same seriousness.

“They’re the best kind of people,” she said huskily. “I’d do anything in the world for them.”

“They’re very lucky then.”

She reached up and lay her palm over his bristled, unshaven cheek.

“I’d do anything for you as well, Drake. I hope you never forget that.”

He captured her hand and dragged it over his lips so he kissed the inside of it.

“Oh you’ve proved that, Angel. Over and over. I doubt I’ll ever forget it.”

He followed his statement with a slight wince and a sigh.

“Is something wrong?” she asked anxiously, her earlier euphoria dissipating as she took in Drake’s grim expression.

Drake stared at Evangeline, hating what he was about to do. Deceive her. Or rather lie by omission. Make something appear as something else altogether. When he’d promised himself he’d never lie to her or hurt her. And if he didn’t handle this just right, not only would he be lying to her, but he could also hurt her if she misconstrued his reasons.

Tags: Maya Banks The Enforcers Erotic