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Ha! He laughed at his own joke. Wallpaper for the nursery! Words he would never say. Not even with a gun to his head.


‘THE STILLS LOOK amazing. Kyla is really pleased. It was an absolute genius idea.’ Mariella, who’d been a little bit glacial all afternoon, managed to squeeze out a compliment.

Coral closed her eyes in a silent prayer of thanks as they checked out the stream of images for Kyla’s final outfit.

‘The whole day has been a dream come true,’ she said. ‘Everyone’s been lovelier than lovely. Just being here watching would have been amazing, but getting to work with the best in the business… I’ve learned loads already.’

‘Yes, I bet you have. All we need now is Raffaele’s final approval and then we can really relax.’

There was no mistaking the tone. Coral looked away. Glances had been exchanged all afternoon, but so far no one had mentioned the fact that she had been alone with Raffaele twice over the course of the day.

‘So lucky that he gave you his approval.’

‘Yes, I couldn’t be happier.’

‘Amazing that you managed to change his mind so easily.’

Here it came.

‘Yes, it was. You’re absolutely right. He liked my idea and I’m so grateful to you for giving me this chance.’

‘You know we had a thing once, Raffa and I?’

‘Oh. No. I didn’t realise.’

Could this get any more awkward?

Mariella’s wily, exquisitely arched brows rose. ‘Angel, no one who dresses in Sophia Loren’s hand-me-downs is fooling anyone. You think you can get your claws into Raffaele? Let me give you some free advice. You’re just some light relief between emails. Don’t think that your fumble on the terrace is going to get you on some fast track to fame. There’s a whole stable of little fillies like you, waiting for him to click his fingers. So take it from me—success is about what you put in, not about how well you put out.’

‘I don’t know what you think you know, Mariella, but I can promise you this: I am here for one reason and one reason only. I want to make a name for myself.’

‘You already have, angel. You already have.’

Mariella winked at her, then shook her head as she breezed past, leaving Coral adrift in the swarm of people packing things away.

But she was right. She was absolutely right. This was her career, not a fantasy island adventure. Raffaele Rossini was not going to chase after her when she was back in London. She’d been a distraction this afternoon and that was it. He was off the charts and off the agenda in every single way. Every. Single. Way.

Thank goodness she’d had the strength of will to resist him earlier. It had taken every ounce of her resolve not to kiss him back. When he’d touched her she’d wanted to melt into him. When he’d held her face she’d wanted to close her eyes and slide into heaven…

But that wasn’t why she was here. She was shoving open the door of her career. And it would slam in her face if she messed up.

‘Miss Dahl?’

She looked up from the images on the laptop into the face of a very attractive young man.

‘Signor Rossini wishes you to attend a meeting at his villa.’

‘Oh! I haven’t quite finished, and my things—’

‘The meeting is due to start now.’

Coral looked around. Mariella and the fashion staff had disappeared and the clothes were being packed away. Only a few junior staff still wandered about, tidying up the loggia.

‘Is it really important?’

He gave her an Are you serious? look and shook his head.

‘Follow me, please.’

It would be fine. It was probably a meeting to look through the images she’d shot and select the best, decide what needed to be filtered or airbrushed. Mariella would be there. And the other senior staff. Maybe they would be planning the next shoot. There was talk that Kyla was going to ask Salvatore to do a couple shoot.

She picked up her precious camera and tucked it in her bag. Then she followed the brisk pace set by the man back through the house and out to the front entrance, into a black buggy and along the short paved road to Raffaele’s villa.

Her stomach fluttered and she felt the dirt and dust of the day on her as she tried to wipe her damp hands on her dress.

‘Do you think I could clean up before I meet Signor Rossini?’ she asked the young man, but he merely opened the door and closed it behind her as she once more stepped inside the spectacular house.

‘You may bathe in Aphrodite’s Pool, if you like.’

* * *


She looked around for signs of the others, but the eerie green glow from the sunken pool and the shimmer of light from the chandelier landed on a room that was quite deserted.

Tags: Bella Frances Billionaire Romance