Page 54 of Season of Seduction

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She didn’t know if what they were engaging in could be classified as eye sex, but it was certainly approaching that department. The moment she’d look up and catch his eye, he’d hold it for a few beats before turning his attention to a part of her body. It was as though they were engaging in some silent banter.

Hey, I think you’re hot.

I think you’re hot too. Especially your breasts. I particularly love the right one.

Thanks! I had that nipple pierced first because it was the one you sucked on the night we fucked.

Really? I’d love to have a closer inspection of the barbell. Is with my mouth okay?

Sure, as long as you use lots of tongue.

A glob of ketchup fell onto her shirt when she wasn’t paying attention. “Shit.”

“Let me help.”

One moment she was staring at the red blotch trying to think about the best way to get rid of stains and the next, Blake had stuck a paper napkin into his water glass and was blotting at the ketchup. Kim froze, barely remembered to breathe as his fingers picked at the fabric that covered her cleavage.

Oh fuck. She’d forgotten that his hands were that big. They’d easily cupped her breasts. He’d be able to pin her to the bed while he fucked her with long, slow strokes. He’d keep her on the edge of orgasm for ages, until she begged enough and he’d slam into her, hard and fast, pushing her over the edge...

“I’m sorry, Kim. I shouldn’t have touched you that way.”

She looked up to see that he’d dropped the napkin and was pushed as far back against the booth seat as he could manage. It was only then that she realized she’d been staring at where he’d been touching her. Blake assumed she’d been upset. Oh baby, I’m the furthest thing from.

“It’s fine. You were trying to help.” There were many more ways she wanted him to help her. Taking her shirt off was a start.

“No that wasn’t acceptable.”

“Blake, it’s fine. I didn’t mind.”

“I can’t go around touching—”

“I really didn’t mind.”

He picked up his burger and took a large bite, effectively ending any further conversation. God, at this rate she was going to end up pushing him further away rather than encouraging him to make a move. Great date, Kim. Way to make an impression.

They continued on in silence for a few minutes longer before her nerves got the better of her. “I don’t think I’ll be able to eat all this. I’m going to get a takeout box.”

Blake nodded, though for a moment she thought she saw disappointment flash across his face. “Probably a good idea.” Before he said anything else, his cell rang. “Shit.”

“Get it. I’ll get the boxes.”

Their impromptu lunch was over, and she could tell from his end of the conversation that they needed to get back to the office. She packed up their food while he talked to whoever it was on the other end. Blake had slipped back into work mode and she was left feeling like an idiot.

It was probably for the best lunch ended early, given how craptastically things had been going. What the hell had she been thinking anyway? She didn’t even know if he was actually interested in her. It was nothing but vibes, and she could be way off base.

Bullshit. He wants you and you know it.

Blake’s phone conversation lasted the full way back to Nicks and he stepped into his office, his phone still fixed to his ear. And that was it. Well, she’d made the attempt, but it couldn’t have gone any worse had she tried.

“Jerry, one second.” Blake stepped back out into the main area. “Kim.”


“I’m sorry I screwed up lunch.” Then the most wonderful thing happened. He winked at her. “You should try and get that stain out before it sets.”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic