Page 51 of Season of Seduction

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Bad boy, Blake. No hitting on the staff.

Except Kim wasn’t exactly staff to him. Not really.

“Hey boss.”

Dammit, her shirt shouldn’t gape open like that. All I can see are her boobs. Is that her red bra? He tightened his grip on his pen and forced his gaze to meet hers. “Yeah.”

“I was going to swing around the Closed sign and turn on the voice mail.”

Shit, he hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. “No problem.”

Kim hesitated for a moment, giving him that small smirk of hers while she toyed with one of her brown curls. A halo of stray hairs encircled her head, highlighted by the fluorescent lights behind. It gave her an angelic appearance, despite her devilish smirk. Blake had always been fascinated by the way her hair naturally fell into its curly mass. The urge to drive his fingers into it, spread those kinky waves across his pillows, grew stronger each time he looked her way.

“Okay then. I’ll be back in at three tomorrow. I want to make sure the new boy is all set for his first gig.” She gave him another smile and stepped away.



Blake got to his feet and stumbled as he moved too quickly around the tight space of his office, driving the corner of his desk into his upper thigh. “Fuck.”

“You okay?” She was immediately in the doorway, hands on her hips. “Don’t kill yourself. Not until I get paid next week, at any rate.”

“I always pay you first, don’t worry.” He was still rubbing his side when he got to her. “I was just wondering what your plans were tonight?”

Wait, I was?

Kim seemed just as surprised by his question. Her brown eyes went wide and her mouth fell open, revealing the tip of her tongue. He wanted to suck on it, pull it into his mouth until she was moaning against him—

“Ah, no plans. I was going to pick up something to eat on my way home and then probably watch last night’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Why?”

He didn’t have a clue what to say. The last thing he had in mind was actively pursuing Kim, even if thoughts of her were starting to take up a healthy portion of his daydreams. Not to mention the shit-pile of work he needed to get done before the holiday break was upon them.

Running his hand along the back of his neck, Blake squeezed the muscles hoping to wring some inspiration out of the stiffness. “That sounds fun. I think I’m going to be stuck here for a while longer. I need to go through these property reports from my managers. I don’t want any of my tenants having any issues over the holidays.”

“And I’m sure you don’t want to be called in to deal with a busted pipe or electrical on Christmas morning, either.” She’d slid her hands down so they now bracketed her hips. They were slender, but he knew there were long, lean muscles beneath the fabric of her pants. If he closed his eyes and imagined hard enough, he could feel them press against his cheeks as he licked her pussy.


Kim shifted her foot back, as though she wasn’t sure if she should stay or go. Blake knew which option he preferred, but didn’t have a clue how to go about asking. This was a line he’d prom

ised himself he wouldn’t approach with her. The last thing he wanted was to be throwing unwanted advances at the one woman who kept this little business running. Just because they’d had sex once, didn’t mean she’d want it again.

Then again, he really didn’t want her walking out that door either.

“You know, I didn’t realize how late it had gotten. Food sounds like a good idea. I should look into that at some point.”

One moment, Kim was standing there looking every bit the cool, confident professional she knew she was, and in the next she was grinning the same way she had that night in the bar.

“I could stand the company if you’re looking to get out of here for a bit. I know a great burger place close by.”

As she said burger, her tongue peeked out and kissed her bottom lip. He could picture her mouth slick from eating, glistening in such a way to tempt him to lean in and kiss her. Even now, he shifted closer, leaned down a bit so that this distance between them shifted from professional to most definitely personal space. At this distance he could smell her shampoo and perfume, could see her eyes darken as her gaze shifted down to his mouth. They could go out for supper. Then maybe on to something more.

What the hell was going on with him?

Was he really going to do this? Kim was nearly ten years younger than him and was at a completely different place in her life. She was just starting out her career, partied, had crazy friends. Even back when they’d had sex she’d been very clear. It hadn’t been about commitments, or even breakfast. Sex for sex’s sake.

And he was thirty-six, divorced and a workaholic. He had no business thinking about going on a date with her, kissing her, or any of the other naughty things he had in mind.

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic