Page 49 of Season of Seduction

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“So...” Comic Sans MS font? On a resume? Really? “Clark, what made you want to work for us?”

His grin and too-long blond hair weren’t helping her shake the Golden Retriever vibe he was giving off. “Chicks. And I need the cash to pay for my next semester. And beer.”

It was a better pitch than what she’d normally hear. I want to build my acting resume. I’m really a dancer. I believe in giving back to others over the holidays.

“Honesty. I like that in a man. You’re hired.” Kim stuck out her hand, fascinated with how his monstrous fingers swallowed hers as they shook. “We’ll need to take some pictures for our catalogue and then we can—”

“Kim, just a moment.” Clark let out a not-so-masculine squeak at Blake’s unexpected interruption. He stood in his office doorway, arms crossed and a stern expression she’d never seen him wear before. “I’d like to have a few moments with Superman here.”

Blake never interviewed the models. It was the first duty he’d given her when she’d started—hire men women want to look at. Not once had he questioned her choices in the matter, even when he’d been around to do so.

“Why don’t you come into my office, Clark. I have a few questions of my own.”

The young man looked to her as though he’d found himself on a sinking ship and she was the life preserver. You’re on your own, buddy. “He doesn’t bite.”

“Unless you ask nicely.” Blake winked at her before beckoning Clark again. “I promise it won’t take long.”

Kim almost didn’t believe the frown she saw on Blake’s face as Clark shuffled past him to squeeze his hulking frame into the office. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought him a bit jealous. Which didn’t make the least bit of sense, seeing how there was no reason for him to be jealous. Blake was the boss and Clark just some schmo off the street. He’d be with them for a few weeks and then gone.

Besides, Golden Retrievers didn’t do it for her. Not even good-looking ones.

She was saved from thinking about it any longer when the phone rang. Grabbing the receiver, Kim pushed all thoughts of Blake from her mind. She couldn’t keep doing this to herself, hoping for something that she doubted would ever happen. If Blake was interested in her, he knew where to find her. Sitting under his nose where she’d been for the past three years.

“Naughty Nicks Frosted Fantasies. Where one of Santa’s helpers will bring you a special present from the not-so-frozen North. My name is Elf Kim, how may I help you?”

“Hi there. Which one of your guys has the biggest dick and will he put a bow on it?”

Just another day at the office.

Chapter Two

By the time Blake finished his interview with Clark, he realized two things. First, he was grinding his teeth again and should probably go see his dentist. Second, Clark wasn’t as dumb as he wanted people to believe.

“What are you studying in university again?”

“Veterinary medicine. It’s what I’ve wanted to be since I was a kid.” Clark’s eyes softened and his smile grew more sincere and less dopey. “It’s been a challenge, but I love it.”

“Good for you.”

Blake heard Kim clear her throat from the next room. “No, ma’am, our Santas won’t have sex with you. This isn’t an escort service. No, not even for a tip. No, not even a substantial one.”

Clark stiffened, his gaze locking on to Blake’s. “Dude. The hell?”

“That’s why I have Kim. She filters out all the crazies.”

He hadn’t realized the blessing she would become when he’d asked her to work for him back then. The impulse to ask her had been the result of a sex-addled brain, but the result had been inspired. They clicked together professionally as quickly as they had sexually, making Naughty Nicks an instant success. His only regret was the need to keep her at arm’s length. While he got the impression Kim wouldn’t mind if they picked up where they left off three years earlier, he couldn’t do that to her. Especially now that he knew her as well as he did.

Straightening the now crinkled resume, Blake tried to remember some of the behavioral-based interview questions he normally used when he had to hire someone. Not that any of them fit this side of his business. You’re getting naked in front of large crowds and you get nervous. How do you handle that?

“Okay, Clark. What would you do if you’re at a house party and one of the women asks if she can check out your pole privately?”

“Is she cute?”

Oh buddy, don’t even joke. “Does it matter?”

“Hell yes. If she’s pretty then she won’t take too kindly to the direct brush off. I’d need to use my mad man-skills to give off a no thanks vibe. They’re not used to being told no, so ya gotta do it right.”

Interesting. “Good answer.”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic