Page 38 of Season of Seduction

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Julie looked at her like she was nuts, politely. “We’re hosting the industry conference and then we have the spring inventory.”

“Surely we can find a free week or two for you to go.” Tilda said it drily as she flipped through the notes on the Pfizer problems.

“I can wait.”

Tilda glanced at her over the rims of her glasses. “Forever?”

“Until I’m where you are.” Julie went for an impish smile, but it had the quality of a grimace. “Then I’ll back off and relax some. I put the rest of your schedule in your calendar. Department heads at noon—I’ve arranged to bring lunch in. Garry wants to walk you through the updates on the new vendors from four to five. Then a pitch at six-thirty. I made it late, trying to discourage the guy, but he just wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Tilda suppressed her smile by clicking on the schedule. Miguel d’Oro, General Counsel, Oro, Inc.

“But I can call him and cancel. I told him it was likely you simply would not have the time for him. I don’t even see how they’d interface with us, but he seems certain you’ll be interested. I should have said no, but he was...” Julie realized she was babbling and trailed off.


She blushed. “Yeah, I guess. Unprofessional of me. I’ll call him and cancel.”

Julie headed smartly for the door. It could be that easy. Save her what would likely be an uncomfortable conversation.

“No.” She stopped her assistant just before the door closed. “Let’s see how the day goes.”

Julie looked dubious. “You sure?”

“Yes. Enough to leave it open. Sometimes new directions come from unexpected places.”

After that, the day just ramped up in intensity. She tried to at least read or listen to all of her messages, in between the meetings, including all of the unscheduled ones. So many people just saved their issues for her return, but then seemed to think they needed to be addressed that very first day.

The pace kept her from thinking about Miguel and what he might say until it was six o’clock and she realized she’d never made a decision. She was just kind of going along with it, wasn’t she? Good test of her new year’s resolution, to stick to what she wanted, first and foremost.

And she really wanted to see Miguel again.

Bad idea or not.

When he walked into her office exactly thirty minutes later, Julie discreetly closing the door behind him and waving goodbye for the night, Tilda’s heart accelerated. He looked good, handsome and even more exotic in the snowy city. Radiant, like the Mexican sun followed him. With a half-uptilted smile, he tucked back the jacket of his sharp lawyer’s suit, slid his hands into his pockets and turned a circle, taking in the corner office and her spectacular view.

“‘Sales’ must be good,” he finally commented.

She couldn’t help smiling. “That is what Campbell Medical Equipment does.”

He nodded, once, acknowledging the point. “I’m sure you’d be hell on the opposing lawyer in a deposition. They’d never get anything out of you that you didn’t want to tell them.”

“I didn’t deliberately mislead you.”

“You were riding in coach.”

“So were you, for that matter.”

“Last-minute flight—first was entirely booked.”

“The ex was prickly about me being able to afford more. You know how men can be.”

> “I do, yes.” He rolled back and forth from toe to heel.

“It wasn’t that I didn’t want to tell you.” Not exactly true. “Well, not after a while.”

“That’s good to know.” He didn’t say more.

She deliberately glanced at her computer clock. “Look, it’s great to see you, Miguel, and I’m glad you stopped in, but it’s been a long day.”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic