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“Am not,” I muttered peevishly and jerked my elbow free. She always found a way to make me feel naïve in the relationship department.

“Just…stay away from Ty, okay? Trust me on this one.”

I hadn’t been planning on staying near him, but I grew alert at Eva’s serious tone and pulled her to a halt in the middle of the empty hallway. “Why? Did he take a knife to his last girlfriend?”

She rolled her eyes. “No.”

“Is he a gigolo?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“No, but—”

“Then he already has two brownie points in his favor.”

Why I was defending him, I had no idea. I think I just wanted to argue with Eva because she was pissing me off. Did she think I had no head on my shoulders at all when it came to guys, just because I’d been so awfully wrong about Jeremy?

Hell, did everyone who knew me think I was a complete ninny now?

I spun toward the kitchen to refill my cup and get rip-roaring drunk over this new insight, but Eva pulled me around to face her. “I dated him for three months last year,” she explained on a sigh.


I wrinkled my nose. “Eww.” Dating one of Eva’s exes had to be just as bad as dating one of my sister’s ex-boyfriends. “Why didn’t he mention that? I even told him we were related.”

“Welcome to Ty Lasher,” Eva said. “He doesn’t have a moral bone in his body. The bastard cheated on me, twice, in the three months we were together.”

“Yeesh. Thanks for the warning.” I would not be returning to a conversation with that douche. “So, wait. If you two have such a bad past, why is he at one of your parties?” And why had she been so cordial about greeting him?

“Because anyone who’s anyone comes to my parties. They are the bomb, baby.”

“Unfortunately, she’s right,” a voice said, tingling my spine, as someone stepped into the hallway behind me. “Mercer does know how to throw a hell of a party.”

“Mason,” Eva hissed, her eyes narrowing. “What a surprise. I rarely see you at these. And I don’t recall inviting you to this one, either.”

I thought that was a strange observation. Eva probably hadn’t invited most the people here.

“No,” Mason agreed. When I dared to turn around, I saw his sneer was just as hard as my cousin’s. “But your boyfriend did.”

Eva’s lips tightened. “And I will be having a few words with Alec about that. Trust me.”

“Okay, hold on.” I adjusted my stance so I could see both Eva and Mason. I lifted my hands and shook them. “I don’t get this. Mason didn’t take advantage of you when you were drunk, and you don’t want him here. Yet that Ty guy cheated on you twice and you just hugged him in welcome. That makes no sense.”

Eva blinked as if she didn’t understand my confusion. “ReeRee, Ty is the son of a judge. This…person is nothing but a holier-than-thou male prostitute.”

“A prostitute who turned you down,” Mason taunted. “Pride stung much?”

She glared at him. “You are such a smug—”

“—bastard,” he finished for her, his voice pleasant. “Yeah, I remember.”

“You don’t belong here.” She balled her hands into fists, damn near vibrating wi

th fury. “How dare you crash my party? You’re a nobody from nowhere who—”

“Hey!” I jumped in front of him, facing off with my cousin. “Back off. You invited everyone and their dog to this party tonight. Stop being such a stuck-up snob. I want Mason to stay. He’s fun to talk to.”

E. stared at me hard, as if searching for something before glancing over my shoulder. Eyes narrowing, she clutched my arm. Keeping a censorious gaze on him, she spoke quietly in my ear. “Remember what I told you, ReeRee. Don’t do it.” Then she plowed past us, shoulder checking Mason as she left.

I stared after her, confused as ever with the burning need to apologize for her.

Tags: Linda Kage Forbidden Men Romance