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“Lyla Jennings?” I respond.

Her eyes dart to me. Until I was stupid and opened my mouth, I really don’t think she had paid any attention to me. I doubt she even knew I was here—her focus on Blue was that consuming.

“Meadow? Is that you?” she squeals, her voice like fingernails being dragged down a chalkboard—with a microphone amplifying the noise.

“Hello, Lyla,” I respond, suddenly wishing I was anywhere else but here.

“Imagine seeing you here. I heard you had to come back and live with your mother. I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you in Dallas.”

I frown. She’s purposefully making it sound like I’m back in town because I had nowhere else to go. That’s not completely true, and her insinuation pisses me off. I learned a long time ago with Lyla, however, that it doesn’t pay to let her see that she’s getting to you. That just makes her worse.

“Is there a reason you came over here, Lyla?” Blue snaps.

“Do I need a reason to visit an old friend?” she says. Then, she looks at me with a smile that I’d love nothing more than to slap off of her face. “A couple years back, Blue and I dated for a while. Did he tell you?”

“No, I believe he left that out.”

“What we did couldn’t be described as dating,” Blue responds coldly.


I pull on my arm, thinking I’ll just excuse myself to the restroom. I don’t really want to be here for this. Plus, it’s stupid and asinine—because I was married with a kid—but I don’t want to think of Blue dating anyone else. With Lyla, I’m sure it was nothing but sex either, which makes it worse. The fact that it’s Lyla is more than a little painful.

“Stay here, Doe,” Blue whispers, kissing my temple. It’s a move that any other time would be sexy and cute and make me melt. Right now, it just annoys the hell out of me.

“I need to go to the girls’ room,” I respond, giving him a look designed to turn his balls into ice. I know it won’t have any effect on Blue. He has too much testosterone running through his body that protects him.

“Meddie! Blue! What a nice surprise!” I look around Lyla to see Ida Sue come in carrying a bag that looks as if it weighs more than she does. Blue gets up and hurries to get the bag from his mother, as Ida Sue leans up to kiss his cheek. “Thanks, baby.”

“What the heck do you have in here?” Blue asks, looking into the bag.

“Oh. just a few things I had made at Hattie’s,” she says with wave of her hand.

She walks around Lyla to come to me and gives me a big hug. I smile and instantly relax as she hugs me. It’s impossible to be stressed when you’re wrapped up in Ida Sue’s hugs. There’s just something about her that makes you feel like no matter what is wrong, Ida Sue can fix it.

“Hi, Ida Sue.”

“Hey, Meddie. You’re looking peaked. Are you okay?” she says looking up at me, concern marring her features for a second.

“I’m fine,” I laugh. “You always say that, and I don’t look any different than I normally do.”

“Hmm…” she hums, clearly not believing me.

“Ida Sue! Do you remember me?”

Ida Sue sits in the empty chair on the right, which puts her beside me and across from Lyla. It takes all I have to keep from laughing when I see the look of distaste that crosses her face when she sees the other woman.

“Only in my nightmares,” Ida Sue deadpans. I look down at my plate when I see the shock that hits Lyla’s face. Blue snorts, not bothering to hide his amusement.

“Oh, Ida Sue, you’re such a kidder,” Lyla says, after hiding her discomfort.

“Aren’t I though? What brings you back to Mason? I thought you left us for the bright lights of New York?”

“Oh, I’m still there. My life is just so busy, though. I felt the need to come back to Texas and reconnect. You know what they say, you can take the girl out of Texas, but you’ll never take Texas out of the girl,” she says.

“Especially when she carries so much of her fellow Texans inside of her.”

I blink. It sounds like an insult, but it’s one that throws you for a loop. It confuses Lyla. You can see it in her features. She just shrugs and laughs.

“Yes. The friendships I’ve made here will always be with me. I take a piece of them with me as I travel.”

“You know, that’s real sweet, Lyla. Never fear, though, you do the same for everyone you make contact with.”

“I do? Oh, that’s just so nice of you to say, Ida Sue.”

Lyla pats her chest in the vicinity of her heart. I roll my eyes. I can’t help it.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance