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Nick never did show his face after I toppled over the custom-made birthday cake. I’m glad. I wouldn’t have been able to take any more punishment of any kind. I would’ve begged for death if that were the case. After Travis took my medallion, he ripped my heart and soul out. The bastard left me hanging on that cross for three hours before someone finally came along and took me down, and it was someone I hadn’t seen before. They must have thought I would either be suicidal or homicidal, because they drugged me again. At the time, I was leaning more toward the latter myself.

I find myself chewing on my thumbnail, still studying the door. My gosh, I can’t imagine what I’d be feeling right now if I was still taking those drugs. I’d be climbing the walls, sexually frustrated, and out of my mind—literally and figuratively. Blyss really had my reasoning skills twisted in a pretzel knot. Hell, I’d been fantasizing about Travis twenty-four-seven. That’s pretty messed-up.

Even days after quitting the aphrodisiac, I found myself still struggling to think straight. That concoction, just let me tell you, is some seriously powerful shit. I could feel myself going through a withdrawal phase, going back and forth in seconds between wanting to have wild, passionate sex with Travis and simultaneously wanting to murder him, and I had even contemplated taking just one pill to help me get over the hump, but I refused. I would wake up in the middle of the night sweating profusely, and at times during the day, I would find myself shaking uncontrollably.

Figuring out a way to dispose of that shit was one of the best ingenuities I’ve ever come up with in my entire life. Now, if I could just apply some of those brain cells to finding a way out of here.

I let out a sigh. It’s time to keep myself moving. Having an idle mind drives me nuts, but sitting around doing nothing is even worse. I bend down, scooting the coffee table out of the way, getting the area ready so I can do another workout. I turn on the TV and begin flipping through the channels on the remote control. I pause in my channel surfing when I hear my door opening. I turn toward the door, and my eyes alight with glee at the sight of a visitor.

It’s Travis, and oh, God, he’s a sight for sore eyes. He looks his usual handsome and edible self, and damn if I don’t hate myself a little bit more for being so starved for attention, especially his. Setting the remote down on the coffee table, I take a step toward him then stop in my tracks when I notice he still looks angry. I feel my heart falter; something isn’t right, and my brow furrows. My lips turn down into a questioning frown as he slowly approaches. Travis’ stance is rigid, and his demeanor holds a chilling aura all around him. My eyes flash over his; he’s making me nervous.

The look on his face tells me he’s all business, and he’s glaring at me. His eyes are stone-cold. I swallow the lump in my throat. There is no way he can still be this angry over what happened three days ago. Surely, we can get past this, can’t we?

I had planned to ask him about my medallion the next time he came to see me, but by the looks of him, I dare not utter a word. It appears that if things were messed-up before between us, they are lying in a heap of shambles now.

His eyes have no life to them; his emotions are totally shut down. “Have you learned anything…anything at all yet. Do you now understand there is no escape.” These are not actual questions, only cold, harsh statements. Memories from the wrath he released upon me three days ago begin washing over me anew. I want to fall to my knees and cry. “From now on, you do as you’re told; this was the last time any solitary confinement will ensue after an outburst. The next time we have to contend with your...” he pauses, waving his hand around in the air with a look of distaste in his mouth, “…behavior, you will have an entirely different set of punishments raining down on you.”

My eyes widen with shock, and my neck stretches forward. Am I hearing this right? Travis has plastered new brick and mortar over the cracks and crevices of his heart, leaving me on the outside in the cold. My gut twists, because gone is the consoling Travis I had from day one.

“Acknowledge me when I speak to you!” His loud voice thunders across the room, and my body automatically jolts, taking a step backwards. I swallow hard. I don’t know what the hell to say, other than, “Yes, sir.”

Tags: J.C. Cliff The Blyss Trilogy Erotic