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Day looked at God. “I bet that little vixen we just apprehended has a recurring role here. Wonder what made her so mad that she wanted to kill someone as soon as she finished fucking.”

“Maybe she didn’t get to come.” Ronowski chuckled, joined by several of the team members.

Syn grimaced.

“Yeah, that might make you homicidal alright,” Day added. “But I wouldn’t know.”

“Day, shut the fuck up,” God barked at his lover's usual inappropriateness. It seemed Day had never met a boundary he didn't stomp right over.

God looked at the officers' nametags. “Officers Gemson and Boyd, I want your reports on my desk by nine a.m. sharp. You guys can head back.”

“Yes, sir,” they both responded before leaving.

“Officers,” God called out, “Nice work.”

The men looked shocked, responding with a simple, “Thank you, sir.”

“That was sweet of you. You going soft on us, God?” Ronowski teased his commanding officer.

God stepped up to Ronowski and Syn thought he was gonna deck the guy. “I don’t go soft, Ro. You should know that,” God hissed close to Ronowski’s ear.

The other members of the task force may not have heard it, but Syn did. He watched God’s glare turn to something akin to lust and Syn did a double take. Ronowski’s hooded eyes said he’d welcome whatever God had in mind as retribution for his comment. Day was watching as well, but didn’t seem the slightest bit upset by his lover's exchange with another man.

What the hell was that? No, there’s no way. Syn must be misunderstanding. It’d been too damn long since he’d gotten laid. He was seeing lustful glances and mistaking innocent comments as sexual innuendo. It was after two a.m. The hour of the wolf made men think more with their little head than the one with the brain in it. I need some sleep ... and some fucking sex ... soon. He refused to examine why Furi's face came to mind with that last thought.

Syn pressed his thumbs into his eyes and shook his head in fatigue. He saw his Lieutenants doing that silent communication shit that they did, so he approached their team and instructed everyone to go home; get a few hours' sleep and be at the station ready for a briefing at ten. That would give him a couple hours to talk with Day and God and get all his questions answered. He hoped he had made his point that he wouldn't tolerate being disrespected again.

‘And Where Were You Between the Hours of…’

During the night, Doug had stretched out on the small couch, one leg hanging off the side, Furi nestled beneath his arm, his face tucked into Doug’s armpit. Furi felt Doug stir next to him and he tried to be still so he wouldn't wake him. It felt so good waking up to a warm – maybe not willing, but a male body nonetheless. And oh was he warm. Doug smelled like a man’s man. Furi’s face was sandwiched between a bulging bicep and a firm pec. If Doug were completely awake, he’d no doubt feel Furi’s morning wood pressed against his thigh. There was nothing he could he do about the wood, it was nature, right? Furi rolled his eyes while fighting the urge to rub his aching shaft against that strong thigh. Doug was straight, had a girlfriend. He was very liberal, but hell, no man was that damn laid back that he’d let another man rub one out on him. Furi laid there perfectly still, basking in the masculinity surrounding him, wishing it was Syn ... or at least someone who could be interested in him.

Maybe Syn’s not so bad. Dating a cop could be beneficial if I’m getting ready to alert my psycho husband and brother-in-law to my whereabouts. But what if he’s not looking for a date? What if he wants to fuck and then go on his way? Damnit. That’s another reason I can’t go there.

Strong arms tightened around him and Doug slid further down so his chin rested on Furi’s head. “Stop thinking so hard. You’re disturbing my sleep,” Doug said in a deep, groggy voice. He took Furi’s hand from where it was tucked in between them and pulled it so that Furi was wrapped around him. Doug began to pet Furi’s unruly hair. Mmmmm. So nice.

They were chest to chest and Furi could feel Doug’s deliciously thick cock against him. Furi groaned and tried to shift even closer.

“Any closer and you’ll be inside me,” Doug groaned.

“Is that an invitation?” Furi smiled against Doug’s chest.

“Mmmm,” Doug moaned. “As horrific as that sounds ... I’m going to have to pass.”

Furi pinched Doug’s ass hard, making him yelp and laugh.

“I got to go to work gay boy, and you have a phone call to make to your lawyer, remember?” Doug stretched his long body, half of him hanging off the too-small couch.

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance