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“That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.” Kell tried unsuccessfully to keep his laugh in.

“You’re laughing, but I want to see what plan you two can come up with to get this guy. Someone let it leak on social media that Donovan will be MC’ing at a hole-in-the-wall club in Midtown on Thursday for their Pride night. It’s the only place we know he will be, but it’s also an intimately crowded place with the guy’s own personal army on site,” Duke told them. “You know my rules. Don’t be seen. No press, but especially no negative press. I need a plan on how to get inside that club unnoticed and extract the bounty without his posse catching on.

Doing it in the parking lot is too risky. That video almost put Athens out of business when gay rights groups got involved. Now I don’t know if the owner thought we’d have a better chance against the backlash because we’re gay, but I couldn’t explain to the jackass that it didn’t work like that.”

There was more laughing and joking before Duke brought it down. He stood next to Quick and asked them, “So, you two think you can do this?”

“There’s no thinking,” Ty answered without pause.

“We can do it,” Kell finished.

Quick’s green eyes radiated pride when he looked at Kell. Ty noticed Brian watching him in the same light. He realized that he’d wanted to make Brian proud. Wanted him to know he hadn’t wasted his time tracking him down and saving him from the streets. Or more accurately. Saving the streets from him.

“That’s it for ya’ll for the day. We’re not doing any retrievals this week. You two got a couple days to brainstorm and give us your strategy. We’ll meet back here at noon on Wednesday,” Duke said and clamped them each on the shoulder. “I’m looking forward to this.”

Then he and Quick were gone.

Ford and Dana got up next, both of them putting on their coats. “If you need anything from us while you’re planning, just text.”

“One thing.” Ty stopped them. “Can you get me some more club footage so I can study this guy and a layout of the place the bounty’s MC-ing at in Midtown on Thursday?”

“Oh yeah. That ain’t nothing. I’ll email it to you when I get home,” Ford said, moving quickly through the doorway, Dana right on his ass, barely remembering to say goodbye.

Kell mumbled, “Those guys are insatiable.”

Ty chuckled next to him. He didn’t think he’d be able to talk soon. By next week, Kell might be the pot calling the kettle black. Speaking of next week. Ty had some plans to put into action. Now that he had another work task, he need to reprioritize. With no one but them in the office, and Brian, Ty took Kell’s hand and led him into the breakroom.

“What’s up?” Kell asked.

Ty pressed Kell against the counter while he reached into the refrigerator and got them both a bottle of water. “I got some errands I want to run and I’ve asked Brian if he can help me with it. Then I want to go see my mother before the rest of the week gets busy.”

“Okay.” Kell smiled. “There’s a lot I need to get done at my place—”

“Like packing,” Ty quipped.

Kell shuddered when Ty bent and grazed his lips against his. “Packing? Where am I going?”

“Wherever I go.” Ty covered Kell’s sweet mouth with his own. He was already addicted to his flavor. Ty usually wouldn’t indulge like this at work, but he was leaving, and he wasn’t going to see Kell until tomorrow. After a few more seconds of partaking he reluctantly pulled back, “I want you to come to my room tomorrow morning. We’ll have room service and get started on the cases.”

Ty pecked Kell’s cheek, then his forehead, he couldn’t keep his mouth to himself. “Does that sound good to you?”

“Sure. I’ll be at the dojo this afternoon after I finish my stuff at home.” Kell smiled. “I miss my students.”

Ty took his fingertips and ran it across the shiny necklace around Kell’s neck before tucking it inside his tunic, so it couldn’t be seen. “When you’re out. Keep this covered. I’d hate for someone to try to take and I have to spend the next twenty years in prison for killing a motherfucker.”

Kell smoothed his hands down Ty’s chest, gazing up at him. “Or maybe, I’ll kill the motherfucker for trying to even touch it.”

Ty drove his hands into Kell’s hair and just barely tugged so his mouth was at the perfect angle he wanted. “My knight.”


“Congratulations,” Brian said, once they’d ordered their entrees.

It was after seven in the evening before they were finally able to sit down and have a cold drink. Brian had driven him all over Atlanta while he put together his plans for Friday. Everything had to be perfect. Including presenting Kell with his next gift. Now he was sitting in the restaurant of his hotel having a long overdue conversation with his father’s best friend.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance