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“Babe. I came home, just like I promised.” Duke called out, hanging up his heavy leather coat and picked up the flowers, heading further into the condo.

When he opened his bedroom door, Duke had to grasp the knob to keep his legs from giving out. Vaughan was in the middle of his large bed in nothing but a black g-string that failed miserably at holding in that long, hard cock.

“Jesus,” Duke whispered.

Vaughan turned onto his side, propping his head up with his hand. “The flowers are beautiful. Thank you.”

Duke forgot he even had the bouquet in his hands. He went over to the dresser and set them down gently, then turned back to the work of art in the middle of his bed.

“Well, are you going to stand there and look at me or are you going to join me?”

Duke snapped out of his trance and slowly began to remove his weapons. He tucked them into his nightstand drawer and then reached for his t-shirt. He had to fumble with it a few times before finally removing it. His mind was a completely scattered mess. No one had ever done anything like this for him. He wasn’t only talking about his boyfriend surprising him by wearing the sexy underwear for him. But everything. The caring for him, cooking for him, staying home, and keeping the bed warm for him. He’d never experienced it in all his years. Now he was beyond blessed. It was almost like his heart was overwhelmed.

Duke went for the button on his pants when Vaughan made him stop. “Wait a minute. Take the pants off real slow, sweetheart.”

Duke tried to be sexy as he slowly removed the rest of his clothes. He never considered himself overly seductive or good at bedroom games, but hopefully Vaughan was willing to teach him. Duke stretched out on the bed and wrapped his man in his arms, squeezing him tight.

“I’m so glad you’re home.” Vaughan kissed Duke like he hadn’t seen him in weeks. When they finally came up for air, Duke was hot and breathless.

“Damn, I wish I could come home to this every night.”

“You can,” Vaughan whispered. “My dad doesn’t expect me there much anymore. Besides, he’s pretty happy with his hospital experience today. Hopefully he’ll have his own company soon.”

“Oh, really?” Duke looked surprised.

“Yeah. But we’ll talk about that later. There’s something more important you should be thinking about right now, love.”

Duke laughed lightly. “And that is?”

Vaughan nibbled on Duke’s cheek before he answered. “Me.”

“I’m always thinking of you, babe. That won’t change… ever.”

Vaughan straddled Duke’s lap, fitting his cock right against his crease, rubbing Duke’s sensitive dick against the tight fabric of the thin string nestled between Vaughan’s soft ass cheeks.

“I love you.”

“Yes.” Vaughan groaned. Duke’s mouth dropped open when Vaughan reached under the pillow and got the lube. He rubbed a considerable amount on Duke’s length and he had to grit his teeth to keep from pushing his cock faster into that tight fist. Because there was no way in hell he was coming before he got inside Vaughan’s warm body.

His eyes sprung open when Vaughan eased the dark string between his ass to the side and let Duke’s cock rub deliciously against his tight star. When his lover began to sink down onto him, Duke grabbed his waist and held him still, just barely able to keep his eyes from crossing. “Oh fuck. Fuck. Wait baby. Let me prepare you first.”

Vaughan held still. The head of Duke’s dick just past his entrance. “I’ve been preparing myself all day.”

Duke sounded like he was a woman in labor the way his breathing escalated almost beyond his control. “You’ve been here doing—”

“That’s right. I’ve been here fucking myself with that big dildo you got in your drawer, just so you could sink into me and fuck me like the man you are.” Vaughan’s eyes were a stunning hazel that shimmered radiantly as he continued to sink onto Duke’s thick cock.

“Oh, my fuckin’ god.” Duke twisted and hissed. “Oh, you’re still so goddamn tight.”

“That’s it baby. Go as deep as you can.” Vaughan grimaced. His beauty was a sight when he was like this. Impaled on Duke’s cock, his strong thighs twitching and burning with strain to keep him from sinking down too fast. “You’re so big.”

“Take all of me, Vaughan,” Duke pleaded. He sat up and put his arms around Vaughan’s waist, holding him tight to his body. Needing the contact and the anchor.

As soon as Vaughan’s ass was pressed against Duke’s groin, they both released a contented sigh while Vaughan’s body adjusted to him. “Ahhhh. Fuuuuck. Vaughan, baby. Ride me.”

Vaughan gave Duke’s rock hard cock a few shallow thrusts, getting them both ready until finally his man rose up and slammed back down on Duke’s dick so hard he screamed out into the dark room. Vaughan did it again and again. Until Duke was barely holding on, his head bowed with his chin touching his chest. Vaughan kissed the top of Duke’s head as he bounced up and down on him and Duke grunted with each pounding his lap took.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance