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Vaughan had run to the bathroom, his father hot on his heels as he shouldered into the first stall and emptied everything in his stomach. Duke was dying. Had literally been beat to death. No fucking way! God could not be so cruel. He’d done everything right in his life so he could be the man worthy of Duke’s love and when he was right there, their chance was being taken away.

“It’s not fair! It’s not fair!” Vaughan snapped, backing out of the stall, facing his father who looked just as helpless as him.

“I know, son. I know. It’s not fair. But life happens and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it.”

“I can’t lose him now!” Vaughan screamed.

His dad pulled him into his big arms and held him tight. Held him until he didn’t feel like ramming his head into the bathroom wall. He needed to get his shit together. Vaughan stood taller and angrily wiped the tears from his cheeks.

“Dad, just give me a minute, okay?”

Quick rubbed his shoulder. “You sure?”


“Okay. I’m gonna go see Duke now.” He squeezed him tight. “You pull yourself together, Vaughan. Duke needs us to be strong.”

Vaughan’s sob startled him. “I know. I understand. Just… just give me some time alone.”

As soon as he was alone, Vaughan thought he might be able to compose himself, but when he thought of going on without Duke, he slid down the wall and cradled his head in his hands, letting the tears flow freely. Damn, when was the last time he’d cried? Now he couldn’t stop. His love was dying, a part of him drifting right along with him. Vaughan felt so helpless and out of control. His life was all about scheduling and planning. This was not a part of any of his plans. It was after eleven at night. He was supposed to be buried so deep inside Duke right now that he’d never find his way out. He had planned a candlelit dinner. A horse and carriage ride through downtown Atlanta and then, then he was going to make love to him until dawn. But now…

Vaughan gulped, his forehead creasing as his hostility and anger grew. He would not lose Duke. He refused. He’d cut out both his kidneys and give them to… fuck! Vaughan pulled out his phone and got online while sitting right there in the men’s room.

After twenty minutes, he climbed off the floor. Vaughan hurried to the sink, quickly washing his hands and face, tucking his shirt back in. If he was doing what he was thinking of doing, he couldn’t look like an insane person. Vaughan power stepped all the way to the front desk. “I need to speak with Dr. Chauncey in the Nephrology Unit, it’s a life or death emergency.”

The help associate looked to be in her eighties but her eye was keen. Her nametag said Ginger Colmbs, Volunteer. She looked Vaughan up and down—even peeked behind him—before slowly picking up the receiver. He heard her mumble a few words into the phone before hanging up. She looked back at him and asked for his name. Vaughan paused. Why does she need that? As if she read his mind she added, “I need to sign you in. Dr. Chauncey is an attending surgeon here. I also need ID please.”

“Michael Palmer,” Vaughan said, and patted his shirt pockets, back pockets, and inside his blazer in a show of looking for his wallet. “Oh, no. Damnit. I left my wallet at home in my rush to get here.”

She was looking annoyed, but thank goodness, she typed a few keys on her computer and printed out a name badge for him. She pointed to a vast waiting area located at the front of the hospital next to the gift shop. “You can wait there for him. He’ll be down as soon as he can.”

Vaughan ran his hand through his hair and huffed a scared breath. His heart was beating a mile a minute in his chest. Was he still hurting like hell? Was he scared shitless over what he was about to do? Or was he terrified his plan might not work? All of the above.

Vaughan was standing in front of the gift shop looking at a teddy bear with his arms wrapped around an “It’s a Boy” balloon. He’d jumped almost to the roof when he heard his name called. Jeez. Calm down, V. You got this. Vaughan walked up to the doctor, looking him in his eyes as he did. The man’s eyes lit with recognition when he got closer. Damn.

“I know that’s not your name so you can take that off. I remember from upstairs. You’re one of Mr. Morgan’s visitors,” the man said coolly.

Vaughan pulled off the nametag and crumbled it up. “I wanted to remain anonymous, Dr. Chauncey.”

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance