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Duke cleared his throat. He wasn’t sure he could speak English just then.

“Because I know no other way to look. Especially at you. I haven’t seen you with your shirt off since you went to my dad’s beach party when I was twenty-two.”

“W-what? You remember that?” Duke looked confused.

Vaughan nudged Duke’s cheek, speaking against his rough beard. “I remember that and so much more. I also remember you asking me why I wasn’t playing volleyball or swimming.”

Duke closed his eyes. Vaughan was so close. That alluring fresh scent dominating the small room. He wanted to put his arms around him, but refrained. “I think I remember that.”

Vaughan ran his other hand up Duke’s chest. “I’ll tell you now. I couldn’t get up because my dick was hard as fuck. I watched you the whole time, so close to coming I thought I would die. Couldn’t take my eyes off you then.” Vaughan breathed a puff of air against Duke’s mouth. “Still can’t take my eyes off you.”

“I’ve got to be dreaming,” Duke whispered.

Vaughan smiled, his forehead pressed against Duke’s. “Open your eyes.”

“I don’t want to wake up,” Duke replied, completely lost in the feeling.

Duke heard the sound of a belt clicking and the rustling of fabric. He still didn’t open his eyes. He felt his hand grabbed and he didn’t fight it as Vaughan pushed Duke’s hand down the front of his jeans, inside his boxers.

“Oh, fuck,” Duke hissed. His eyes rolled behind his closed lids. Vaughan groaned and pressed into his palm. Keeping his own hand over top of his, pressing Duke’s hand down. His cock was hot and hard. Duke closed his hand around it, marveling at the length. Fuckin’ perfect. Vaughan bit him lightly on his neck.

“You feel that, Duke? I’m not a goddamn kid. I’m not playing games. I’m not trying to tease you. I want you. I wanted you then. I want you even more now.”

“Jesus. Vaughan, I never knew.” Duke was completely winded. “I didn’t even know you were gay. I don’t know a goddamn thing anymore.”

“I knew what you wanted. I knew you’d want a man. So I came back to you when I became one. I could’ve chosen any city in the world. Why do you think I’m here?” Vaughan pressed against Duke’s palm again. “Fuck, I’ve waited so long for this. Don’t deny me, Duke. I can make you happy.”

Duke was overwhelmed. He couldn’t believe any of this. The strikingly beautiful man had been wanting him for years, and was here now, begging him. He still felt he was gonna be the butt of a very bad joke. He needed to get Vaughan out of his space and think for a while. Shit. What about Quick? He’d never go for this.

Vaughan slowly removed Duke’s hand. “I don’t want to pressure you. I just don’t want you to say no so quickly. Think about it. Maybe let me take you on a couple dates and then you can decide if you want to see me. Just give me that much.”

Duke looked down at Vaughan’s cock, mesmerized. As if hearing Duke’s thoughts, Vaughan pulled his briefs lower and righted his long cock so just the head was sticking out of the waistband. A clear bead of precome had formed over the slit and Duke licked his lips before he could think not to.

“Mmm. My thoughts exactly, sweetheart. But I always told myself I would be a gentleman with you. So I’m not gonna push you to your knees here in a Macy’s dressing room. You are so much more to me than that. I’m gonna court you.” Vaughan stroked Duke’s cheek with the back of his hand. “Woo you until you agree to be mine.”

Vaughan sure as hell talked like a real man. A man that watched a lot of Humphrey Bogart movies, maybe. He was smooth, debonair, and so charming Duke couldn’t refuse. It was everything he’d wanted in a partner. To feel cherished and wanted. He hoped it could be real. He wanted to drop to his knees and take that flushed head into his mouth, all the way to the back of his throat, but he was still just clearheaded enough to know he needed to speak to Quick first.

“Let’s get out of here, hmm?” Vaughan kissed Duke’s cheek. “Find you something nice to wear for tomorrow, and then I think I have just enough time to take you to lunch before I have to get back home.”

Duke was still looking at Vaughan’s cock when he swallowed hard and nodded his head in agreement.

“But how about just a little taste of what’s yours.” Vaughan smothered in closer to Duke’s body, pressing his cock against his own, trapped achingly in his pants. Vaughan reached down and gathered the clear bead of fluid off the tip of his dick with his thumb, another bead quickly forming as soon as he did.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance