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“Oh my god.” Duke moaned.

“Open up, sweetheart,” Vaughan purred in that voice that made Duke leak. He wiped the sticky fluid across Duke’s bottom lip before pushing his thumb inside. Duke unashamedly sucked on it like he was man dying of thirst. “That’s it, baby.”

Duke wrapped his arms around Vaughan’s waist and held him as tight to him as he dared. With his eyes squeezed shut, he sucked every trace of Vaughan’s essence off his thumb before finally releasing the digit. His breathing was erratic and labored again. He wanted and needed so badly he hurt. He heard Vaughan righting himself and buckling his belt. He tried to get himself under control; he couldn’t go back out there in his condition.

“Calm down. Breathe,” Vaughan whispered. Taking a few deep breaths himself.

When they were both presentable, Vaughan took the clothes he’d never tried on and politely gave them to Mark R., saying they didn’t fit. Duke didn’t make eye contact with the store clerk as he let Vaughan lead him to another section of the store. The price tags were considerably higher, but he paid little attention as Vaughan carefully put an outfit together for him, his eyes focused on every pattern and color. While Vaughan was purchasing a pair of cufflinks of his own, Duke went over to the fragrance counter and began to look around.

The older man behind the counter told him of the sales they had going on and to let him know if he wanted to smell something. Duke said a quick thank you and began picking up a few of the testers on the counter.

It was as if he felt Vaughan’s heat before he pressed into his back, pushing Duke into the counter. Duke didn’t look around to see who was watching. He didn’t give a fuck. It felt too good to let worry seep in and cloud the moment.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” Vaughan whispered against the side of Duke’s neck.

“I don’t see why not.” Duke licked his bottom lip for the hundredth time since he’d come out of that dressing room, hoping there was still an inkling of some of Vaughan’s precome that he may have missed. He knew he was going to be addicted after he got his first real taste. Damn. I hope Quick is cool with this. For the love of god.

“Do you top or bottom?”

Duke choked. Damn, that was very personal. He should’ve know Vaughan was thinking of sex, because he sure was. That long, slender cock looked absolutely perfect for him. Duke was a bottom through and through, but a man didn’t have to have a damn beer-can-dick in order to get him off. He preferred a nice smooth, easy fit.

“I have a feeling I already know. But humor me. Have I been right all these years? You’re a big assed, strong, sexy bottom aren’t you?”

Duke smiled shyly. He felt like a guy getting hit on by the most popular kid in school. Vaughan did that sexy chuckle against the back of his neck. “I knew it.”

“Yeah. I mostly bottom,” Duke admitted, picking up another cologne bottle, hoping he wasn’t blushing too hard. “Does that mean you only top?” Duke had a lover that primarily topped before. Judge had never, ever bottomed for him. Had downright refused it. Even though Duke thought there was nothing better than a hard cock driving into his ass, he still had a cock of his own, and he liked to use it sometimes.

Vaughan used his pointer finger on Duke’s chin to turn his head towards him. When he spoke, his lips danced across the corner of his mouth. Duke wondered if there was anything Vaughan did that wasn’t sexy. “No. I don’t only top. But for you. I’ll do anything you want me to do.”

“Damnit. Don’t say things like that, Vaughan.”

“I have to speak the truth. No games, no lies, no teasing. Remember?”

Duke nodded his head, his words evading him again. When the clerk came back over, he glanced at their positioning but kept his face friendly. “Have you decided on something, sir?”

“May I?” Vaughan interjected.

“By all means,” Duke said. He was so ready to get out of the store anyway, and after smelling a few bottles, he had no idea what he wanted.

“A gift set of your Bleu De Chanel, s’il vous plaît.” Vaughan spoke with a perfect French accent.

Duke was very impressed and he hoped he’d played it cool. But if he was being totally honest with himself… he was Vaughan’s already.

“What about her?” Vaughan tossed back his fifth shot and pointed out a beautiful redhead to his dad. He’d pointed out about ten very different women and his father shot each one down, barely looking in their directions. “What’s with you?”

“Nothing. I just want to enjoy a night out with my son without a lot of distractions.”

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance