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His dad looked up at him with an identical charming smile to the one that he saw in the mirror each day. “Really. Just me and you?”

“Just me and you.”

“Sounds good.” His father clapped his big hands together and rubbed them like he was already set to go. “Father and son on the prowl.”

“I’ll be back soon. We’ll start at a happy hour somewhere and see where the night takes us,” he said, almost to the front door.

“You got it.” Was the answer he barely heard when he was already half-way out the door.

Duke hated malls with a passion, but sometimes they were a necessary evil. He went in through the mall entrance and fought the weekend crowds to get to Macy’s. He didn’t shop much, but he heard that Macy’s had a nice selection of men’s business and casualwear. Maybe a bottle of cologne would be a good idea, too. Duke was just able to keep himself from smiling. He felt like he was going on his first date. He remembered fussing over his outfits, pulling everything he had out of the closet. His dad had got tired of him trying stuff on and ended up calling his mom over to help him. They were divorced most of his life, but they had stayed good friends.

He always thought he’d be married by his age. Maybe even with a child, who knew. He thought it’d be Judge, for sure. Although they never actually dated, went out in public or whatever, he was fine with that. He thought it simply wasn’t Judge’s way. Even though he wanted those things: date night, sharing a tub of popcorn at the movies, making out together in a dark booth at a jazz club, holding hands on the beach as the sun set. Duke had thought that as long as he had Judge at home, it’d work out. He’d since realized how wrong he was. Judge knew what Duke really wanted, and instead of stringing him along, he dropped him. It had hurt more than he cared to let on, but he was a big boy. Life went on.

Looking around in Macy’s gave him a tension headache. There weren’t a lot of people in the men’s department, but he was never good at picking clothes. A nice lady in a startling white ruffled blouse and a black pleated skirt came up to him. “Can I help you?”

Duke fingered through the shirts on the rack. “Actually, I’m just looking.”

“I can help him if he needs it, Cindy. Thank you.” A strong voice cut over the young lady. Duke looked up and saw a man in a nice suit standing on the other side of the rack. His Macy’s name tag said Mark R. Duke smiled and told him the same thing as Cindy scurried off, doing little to hide her annoyance.

“Really, I’m good. Don’t let me waste your time.” He kept looking through the shirts and chose a blue and white striped one along with a dark blue blazer.

“That looks pretty good. I can do some measurements if you want.” Mark R. looked up and down Duke’s body, making him feel exposed.

“I’ll just try them on.” Duke hoped his fake smile was convincing. He pointed towards the back of the department and asked, “Fitting rooms over there?”

The guy gave him a suggestive smile and tilted his head in the same direction. “I’ll be right here if you need anything.”

Duke didn’t acknowledge that. He kept walking, thinking he might need to try a different store. What was with everyone lately? Was his dick size advertised on his forehead? Was he wearing a sign that said, “I’ll bottom so hard for you”? What the fuck?

Duke hung the new shirt and jacket on the hook and began to take off his shirt. He laid it carefully on the bench before removing his undershirt. There was a light tap on his dressing room door.

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” Duke grumbled quietly. “I said I’m good, sir.”

A second later the door opened and Duke was about to curse until he saw it was Vaughan. “What the hell?”

“I told your little admirer out there that I’d take it from here,” Vaughan said sensually, closing the door behind him.

“What are you doing here?” Duke said breathily.

“I’m stalking you,” Vaughan said in an evil cartoon villain voice that made Duke laugh nervously.

“Cute,” Duke said, noticing that Vaughan’s eyes were roaming all over his chest. “Eyes up here.”

Vaughan let loose his own sexy chuckle and looked up to Duke’s eyes. With his back against one side of the dressing room, Vaughan brought one hand up and placed it against the wall next to Duke’s head. Duke felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest when Vaughan leaned in to him and ran his nose down his neck. “Does it bother you when I look at you like that, Duke?”

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance