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The night was turning out to be fun until a drunk guy started messing with them. Holly tried the polite route, but when he passed by her and slapped her ass, she turned around, feeling angry. “What is this, high school? You going to sneak by and smack my ass? Are you sixteen, or a man?”

He swayed on his feet. “I am man enough to take you home and show you a good time, blondie.” His words came out slurred.

“Get lost,” Tony told him in a hard voice but the man was too drunk to notice. His eyes were roaming over Holly’s pink dress.

“I recognize you from around town. You’re that nurse Pete tried to kidnap. Shit, no wonder he wanted you. You are hot.”

Holly stepped backward and shook her head in frustration. She didn’t need any reminders of Pete Ferguson or his brother. Jasmine stepped next to her. “Get lost, jerk.”

Holly turned to leave and stand on the other side of the pool table when the man grabbed her arm. “Hey, I am not done talking to you, sweet thing.”

“I am done talking to you.” She pulled her arm away and started walking away.

“Don’t you want to hear my warning?” he asked.

Holly turned around to look at him, and waited.

“I hear Gerald is out for your blood. He says you can drop the charges and his brother will be released. He said you are being a bitch.” He smiled as if he had just given her great news. Holly was scared for a minute, but she brushed it away. She was not going to let the rumblings of a drunk man ruin her evening.

She walked to sit at a stool along the wall. She took a sip of her drink, and when she was done, he was gone. She tried to smile and have fun, but the man’s words stuck in her head.

“Don’t listen to him, Holly.” Jasmine patted her arm. Holly nodded. What if Gerald was still trying to harm her? She did not need this hassle in her life. Damn Pete Ferguson and his stupid plan to steal drugs from the hospital. Why did he have to involve her?

She drove home with thoughts of the Ferguson brothers on her mind. She had left her porch light on, so she was able to unlock her door quickly. She closed it and locked it back up.

After she changed into her nightgown, she was lying on the bed, feeling sleepy and relaxed. The phone rang and startled her. Thinking it was one of the girls checking up on her, she picked it up right away.

“Hello?” she answered.

“You looked hot in your sexy pink dress and all that blonde hair. I like long hair on a woman,” said a deep voice.

Holly gasped and sat up. She looked around her bedroom. Her window was closed and locked—she’d checked it earlier—and her drapes were closed. “Who is this?”

“Your secret admirer.” The voice laughed. The laugh was not a pleasant sound. His words were sort of slurred, as if the caller was drunk.

“Is this Gerald?” She was scared and mad at the same time. How dare he harass her? His brother was the criminal, not her.

“It’s too soon to ruin the surprise. Just know I am watching you, sweet nurse.” With that line, the phone hung up. Holly sat in shock for a few minutes. Her heart was thumping loudly in her chest, and she was scared to get up and check the house again. She had a feeling it was Gerald.

She picked up the phone and dialed the sheriff’s station. Someone was always on duty. The phone rang.

“Red Hook Sheriff station.” Holly groaned. She recognized Matt’s voice. Her body recognized Matt’s voice. “Hello, can I help you?”

Holly took a deep, calming breath. Just the sound of his voice sent a sharp arrow through her heart. “This is Holly.”

“Holly, what’s wrong?” He sounded more alert. She wished it had been anyone but him. She didn’t need to see or hear from him. It would be harder to get over him.

“I just had a disturbing phone call,” she said. She explained what was said. “My house is locked up. What should I do?”

“Can you go to your sister’s house for the night?” he asked.

Holly looked at the clock on her nightstand. It was one in the morning. “No. It’s late and I’d have to wake them all up. I think I am okay here. I just wanted to report it.”

“I am off duty,” Matt told her. “I’ll do a walk around and make sure everything is fine.”

She was tempted to tell him not to bother but she was feeling anxious. “Okay, thank you.”

“No problem.” He hung up. She stayed sitting on the bed and pulled her covers around her. About ten minutes later, she heard noises in her backyard. Hopefully that was Matt. She waited, and then her phone rang.

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic