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I ponder on his words, knowing that he’s right. I will need something to get started, but I honestly don’t want it to come from him. I would much rather restart my life on my own. Whether he owes it or not, I don’t want it. But I’m not going to argue with Zane right now, I can talk about that later.

“So, you think this information will help me?”

“It will, for sure. If you can find out that he’s doing terrible things, it will be so much easier.”

I gasp a couple of times, trying to get hold of myself. Zane sees that I’m struggling, and he rests a hand reassuringly on my shoulder. His touch is sharp and shocking, it makes me jump. An electricity bolts all the way through me. I stare up at him with a stunned expression on my face. That… was something else.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I just wanted to…

“No, it’s okay, you just made me jump that’s all.”

My blood runs hot, I’m sure my face is bright red, but I can’t seem to drag my eyes away from him. He has me locked in one place, blooming like crazy. I can feel a flower bursting through my body, coming to life without my control. This is the oddest position that I’ve ever been in before.

The funny thing is, Zane looks a little blown away too. I can’t imagine this Adonis is a stranger to touching a woman. I bet his fingers are expert, that he just instinctively knows what a woman wants. I bet a night with him is magical, something that you don’t ever forget even if it happens only one time. I haven’t ever had incredible sex. I’ve had to source mine from books and movies, just imagining what it would be like… I bet every woman who has been with Zane doesn’t have that worry. The thought almost makes me want to lean in…

“So, I want to go through the next stages with you.” Zane breaks the magic of the moment by snapping back into all business. It’s probably for the best anyway. “Just to make sure we’re on the same page.”

“Erm, yeah sure of course. Next week, tell me all about it…”

I try my hardest to join him in professionalism because that’s where I need to be. Unless I want to wind up in serious trouble, that is. I cannot start thinking about Zane in that way. Not if I want to focus on this divorce…

* * *

Zane doesn’t pull back this time. As I feel his lips edging towards me, I don’t yank away either. I want this to happen and it

seems like he does too. It sure as hell looks like it, judging by the dark desire in his eyes… the look that drives me crazier than anything that comes before. My heart pounds violently against my chest as my mouth moistens, the anticipation builds with every passing second he edges nearer me…

Oh my God. As his lips connect with mine, fireworks explode. This is something else…

His hands snake around my waist, he yanks me closer to him and I go willingly. I shouldn’t do this, I’m a married woman, but it’s all I want in the world. I haven’t been touched for such a long time, and even when I am, it’s uncomfortable, unpleasant, definitely not about me. I need someone to actually want me.

“You are so beautiful,” Zane murmurs as his mouth moves over my neck. “I want you so bad.”

His words free me, I feel like I can say the same back. “I want you too. I have ever since I first saw you.”

“Oh God, me too. You have no idea how happy that makes me. I want to fuck you so bad.”

Those words are too much, all I can do is moan loudly, my eyes sliding closed, so I can lose myself in bliss.

We tear each other’s clothes off like animals, unable to stop now. We yielded into the temptation, given in to this deep lust, and now we just need to get that satisfaction. I need a release so freaking bad, and that only intensifies as I run my hands over his thick, muscular chest. He’s so sexy, like a magazine model or something.

“Oh, Zane.” I part my thighs as he lifts me onto his desk. “That feels so good.”

His bulge presses at my core and my wet heat cry out for him. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone this badly before. If I don’t have him in a moment, I might actually die. I really fucking need him.

I toss my head back as he slips inside, feeling sexier than I ever have done before. Right now, I’m a goddess, a seducer, someone worthy of a man like Zane. It feels fucking phenomenal to have him thrusting. Each time he slides into me, he brushes past my poor, neglected clit, sending my head spinning into desire.

The dragon of desire that Zane unleashed earlier today grows even larger. It takes over my body, swallowing me up whole, and I allow myself to drown in it, giving in to it without a second of resistance. This is the best I might have ever felt in my life. I don’t ever want this moment to end, I want to live it for the rest of my life. I tumble happily into the deep pit of pleasure, caving completely as he makes my body feel better than it ever has done before. I didn’t even know I could feel this way, I wasn’t sure it was possible.

I prize my eyes open to watch Zane as he slams into me over and over again. The sounds that fly out of our mouths are guttural and animalistic, we’re like crazy freaks. He’s absolutely stunning and at this moment he’s mine. He belongs to me. I know that tomorrow he won’t, but that’s okay, this is all I want….

“Fuck!” I bolt upright in bed, sweat slicking over my body. My pulse is racing, my body fanatical, every cell inside of me exploding with pleasure. That was too much, Zane is too much… but he isn’t even here.

He isn’t here… that was a dream. None of that really happened…

I try to come to terms with that as I twisted onto my side to watch the sleeping man beside me. He isn’t the man I want next to me. I don’t ever want to wake up with him, but until this divorce is done, I’m stuck with Jeremy.

He lets out a loud snore, irritating me further. He only snores when he’s been drinking, and since there is bright red lipstick all over his shirt I guess he’s been with his latest woman. This must be a different one though because the smell isn’t Chanel number five. Poor her, whoever this one is.

Tags: Mia Ford The Vegas Men Billionaire Romance