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I just watched Kyle wander off. I haven’t seen any of his friends around today, either.

I’m completely alone.

I clear my throat. “How did you know Jacqui was gone?”

“Watched her leave,” Jesse sneers. “Then I saw that mountain run off, too. I figured now’s my best chance to talk.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. Somehow, I feel like Jesse doesn’t just want to talk.

“You’ve been coming to my apartment,” I say, lifting my chin.

I’ve never backed down from Jesse. I’m not about to start now.

“Yeah, figured I better keep an eye on you,” Jesse says, taking a step toward me. “I haven’t seen your mountain around lately. Run him off, did you?”

I scowl. He should know, considering the note he left me. His expression is darkly pleased, and it makes me feel angry to know that I did what he wanted. Suddenly, I wish that I’d told Kyle everything, if only I could rub it in Jesse’s face that he has no control over me.

“You said you’d leave me alone,” I snapped.

“Did I?” Jesse laughs. “I don’t remember that.”

And with a sinking heart, I know he’s telling the truth. He didn’t promise to leave me alone. He just told me what could happen if I didn’t leave Kyle.

“Get out,” I say, straightening my shoulders. “This isn’t your apartment, and I don’t want you here. We broke up, Jesse. There’s no reason for you to be here.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Jesse says.

There’s an ugly expression on his face. I take another step back, and my heel hits the wall. Jesse grins.

Then, suddenly, he’s there, dashing toward me, his arms outstretched. It reminds me of that night, when he accosted me on the street. But, this time, there’s no Kyle. I duck, but he grabs the blanket and pulls, and I’m too startled to let go before his hands are on my shoulders, shoving me back against the wall.

“You shouldn’t have left,” Jesse snarls.

His hands wrap around my neck and his fingers clench on my skin. I scratch at his hands, shocked and horrified by what’s happening. Doesn’t he realize what he’s doing? Does he realize that he could kill me?

I look into his eyes. Part of me is hoping to find some sign that he’s just making a stupid, baseless threat again. But his eyes are wild, and there’s a horrible smile on his face as his fingers slowly tighten, making me gag as I frantically try to break his grip.

He’s going to kill me, I realize dimly.

From somewhere far away, I hear an almighty bang. Then Jesse is gone, his hands slipping off my neck, and I slide down the wall, heaving in huge gulps of breath, black spots in my vision. I’m trembling, unable to believe what’s happening.

I hear a yelp and another bang, and I look up just in time to see Jesse falling over the coffee table. As soon as he lands, he scrambles up, but Kyle – when did Kyle get here? – advances on him, a look of fury on his face. He’s huge and terrifying, and he grabs Jesse’s shirt before drawing back his fist once more.

“Wait…!” Jesse says.

Kyle scoffs and then lands the punch. Jesse’s eyes roll backward and he slumps, making Kyle drop him to the floor in disgust. He straightens and looks around, his eyes landing on me.

“K-Kyle?” I ask.

I don’t know what’s happening anymore. I don’t know why Jesse wanted to kill me. I don’t know where Kyle came from. And now it’s suddenly over, and I’m left reeling, struggling to figure it all out.

“Allison,” Kyle breathes. He strides across the room and drops to kneel beside me. He reaches out a hand and then pauses, as though he’s not sure if he’s allowed to touch me. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”

An incredulous laugh bursts from me. Kyle just saved my life, and he’s apologizing?

“I… I saw you walk off,” I say to him. This is the thing that is confusing me the most. “How did you know…?”

“I got some information that I didn’t like and hurried back,” Kyle says grimly. “I was coming to warn you about Jesse. But he was already here. I’ve called the police. They’ll be here any moment. Jacqui, too. She told me what apartment number you were in.”

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance