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“Jesse?” I ask, looking toward my ex-boyfriend; he’s still out cold.

“We’ve been doing our research,” Kyle says, and a grin spreads across his face. “Turns out he’s wanted in a few states for various crimes. Between this and those crimes, he’s not going to be able to escape.”

I’m stunned. While I was rattling around Jacqui’s apartment, feeling sorry for myself and trying to figure out how to fight Jesse, Kyle was out there collecting all the weapons we needed.

I can’t help it; I laugh.

“Allison?” Kyle asks.

I just shake my head. I don’t know what to say about this. I should thank Kyle. I should apologize to him. I should explain why tears are dripping down my cheeks as my laughter turns to croaking sobs that force themselves from my bruised throat.

But I don’t need to. Instead, Kyle’s arms wind around me and we sit there as I clutch at his warm jacket, listening to the sounds of the sirens coming ever closer.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


The next few hours passed by in a whirl of motion.

I remember Jacqui, strong, cheerful Jacqui, bursting into tears as soon as she saw me, throwing herself into my arms and sobbing that she was sorry for leaving me alone, dropping a bag full of orange juice and flu medicine on the floor. I think I told her it was my fault, but I’m not sure if the words actually came out.

Then there was the police. Bryant was there and his expression was dark as his officers hauled the dazed Jesse to his feet, cuffing his hands behind his back. He read a list of crimes, and none of them made any sense. Robbery? Assault? Murder? When did any of this happen?

Bryant scolded Kyle, too, for being too rough, but he didn’t sound completely serious, and Kyle’s solemn apology lacked any sincerity. I heard Jesse yelling as he was escorted away, but I didn’t hear anything he said.

Then Jacqui and Kyle were discussing something about living arrangements. My apartment isn’t safe. Jacqui is nervous about staying in hers after what just happened, especially with police tramping around it. Somehow, while I just stood there and let it happen, they came to an agreement; Jacqui was going to spend the night at her mother’s. I was going to stay at Kyle’s apartment.

Which is how I find myself being shuffled through the door into a tiny, surprisingly clean apartment. There’s a few pictures on the wall of scenery and bikes, and there’s a guitar in the corner, bright and gleaming. The kitchen is clean and there’s only a sock on the floor under the table, which Kyle coughs and picks up, as though he’s embarrassed by it.

Which I don’t get. He’s seen my apartment.

“It’s clean,” I say blankly, the first thing that leaves my mouth.

“Were you expecting mess?” Kyle asks dryly.

“Sort of,” I admit. “You don’t seem the type to be overly concerned by a clean home. Then again, I probably do, and I can never seem to get around to it.”

“Which turned out to be a good thing,” Kyle points out. “Since you’ll be moving soon.” He pauses. “If you want, I can come over and help you clean when you move. Fuck knows you need it.”

I know he’s teasing me. But I can’t bring myself to smile as I sit on his couch. I think I’m still a little shocked by how fast everything is moving around me. I want answers. I want to give Kyle answers. But I don’t know where to start.

“Jesse is going to jail,” Kyle offers, breaking the awkward silence as he bustles around the kitchen, making coffee.

“For murder?” I ask.

I still don’t understand that.

“He was wanted,” Kyle explains. “In Washington. He killed three people.”

I look at him, stunned. “How did you even figure that out?”

“I have a detective friend,” Kyle says with a shrug, carrying over two mugs. “I hired him to look into it for me. He came up with a shitload of information, and we gave it all to the police.”

“Right.” I don’t know whether to thank him or be angry with myself. “Is that why you got people to watch me?”

“Ah… No,” Kyle says awkwardly. “I figured out that he

broke into your apartment on Wednesday night. The signs were all there. So, I figured, in case he came back…”

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance