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The moment my eyes met hers, there was nothing stopping me from giving her everything.

She’s devastatingly beautiful.



I want to protect her from the horrors of the world, if only she’ll let me.

I can’t leave her alone.

Not with her abusive ex on the prowl.

I would give her everything I have.

And I want her.

Every part of her shines.

Her touch is like fire.

Her eyes draw me in.

It’s impossible to escape from her, even if I wanted to.

I’ve lived my life for my bikes, my club and my foster family.

But now there’s only her.

I know she thinks otherwise.

Why else would she hate me after all that we had?

She’s the only woman I ever loved.

I want her safe, nothing can hurt her.

I’ll do anything to get back with her,

Even if it means following her everywhere.

Chapter One


I yawn and stumble up the road, dreaming wistfully of the bed that I know is waiting for me. The lights are starting to blur overhead, and the cold asphalt is looking very comfortable.

I can make it, I remind myself. My apartment isn’t that far from the station.

However, at this time of night, after an incredibly long and hard day at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, the miles seem to stretch out in front of me forever. I should have taken my friend up on her offer to stay with her for the night; she lives only a block away. But I wanted the comfort of my own bed, and I insisted on walking home.

“It’s not that far,” I’d insisted.

I snort. Half an hour ago I was foolish and naïve. Now, as I consider how much further I have to go, I curse my own stupidity. Any bed, now, will be good enough.

I yawn again and press the heels of my hands against my eyes, trying desperately to keep myself awake. I stumble on the curb and carefully step further onto the path; there might not be any cars right now, but that doesn’t mean I should tempt fate by stumbling onto the road.

I glance at my watch. It’s eleven o’clock. It isn’t hugely late, but normally I would have been in bed long before now, considering I have classes in the morning. But I got caught up in celebrations with my friends after the end of some brutal in-class exams. A few hours ago, the alcohol I had consumed made me bright-eyed and ready to take on the world. Now, that very same alcohol is sloshing around my system and trying to convince me that sleep is the best thing in the world.

Damn, I need some coffee.

I turn a corner and my vision is assaulted by a ridiculously bright light, unexpected after the dim lights on the street. Hazily, I glance at it and blink at the sign. Several moments later, I recognize the building; it’s the small convenience store that’s only a few blocks away from my apartment.

It’s also, I notice, stumbling to a stop, a 24-7 store.

I’m almost home, so I should just keep walking. Then I can get into bed and curse every decision I made tonight when I wake up with a roaring hangover.

But the sight of the bright store makes my stomach rumble. A convenience store sells potato chips, right? The thought of something crunchy and full of salt is incredibly appetizing right now. My feet lead me towards the automatic doors without permission, and I wince as the light gets brighter when I enter the store.

There’s a single person at the register. She looks up at me, bored, and returns to flicking through some sort of magazine, looking like she would rather be anywhere than here. I can’t say I blame her, especially at this time of night.

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance