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How good he felt.

Kallie felt him slip off to the side before he pulled her close. Their bodies were exposed to the cool air of the jet, but she didn’t care. His skin was hot. It shot a warmth through her she’d quickly come to associate with him. A warmth she couldn’t re-create no matter how hot her showers got. No matter how thick her blankets were. No matter how steaming her soup was.

There was no warmth like Ash. And his skin against hers felt too good to resist.

She fell asleep next to him, drifting off into a deep slumber. And when she woke up, the two of them were still in the air. Still flying. She looked over and found the bed next to her empty and her heart sank for a split second.

A split second that caused her to rethink her entire plan about Bali.

Did she really want him there?

Did she really want to wake up to him?

Slipping from the bed, Kallie picked up her clothes. She quickly put them on before finding her way into the bathroom. There was a toothbrush and some toothpaste as well as face wash sitting out for her. And she used them generously. She dried herself off and piled her hair high on her head to disguise the sex-mussed style she had been sporting initially. She drew in a deep breath, noting how the room reeked of their sexual scent.

Then she made her way back into the cabin.

Ash was sitting at their table, his hands tousling with the brochures. She watched him scan them, taking in the information she had to provide. She pushed off the doorway and made her way to her seat, sliding into what had been his seat before he surprised her with his submission.

His tongue.

His want for her.

The mere thought forced her to suppress a shiver working its way along her body.

“Are you hungry?” Ash asked.

“What time is it?”

Ash pointed out the window, fully engrossed in one of the pamphlets regarding virgin properties he could purchase and build on himself.

Kallie’s eyes turned to gaze out the window and what she saw was breathtaking. The sun was rising high above the clouds, painting a sunrise across the sky she’d never seen before. She pressed her hand against the window. Took in the sheer beauty of it all before a plate was set in front of her. Toasted bagels with cream cheese, exotic fruits, crispy bacon, and a mimosa to top everything off.

“Good morning,” Ash said.

But Kallie was speechless.

She didn’t want to ruin the beauty of what she was watching.

Breakfast was silent, but quick. Because about an hour later, they began their descent into Bali. Kallie buckled herself up as the stewardess made quick work of cleaning her place while Ash stuffed the brochures away in the pockets of his suit coat. The plane landed and they both disembarked with their luggage, and the second the Bali air hit Kallie’s face she gasped. It smelled different. Felt different. The air of Indonesia made her feel wild and free. Her heart thundered against her chest. Her hands began to shake.

She wasn’t supposed to enjoy this trip as much as she was.

Kallie stepped into a rental car Ash had waiting for them and they headed to the luxury resort. They dropped their things off in their respective rooms, but she quirked an eyebrow when she saw that Ash was her neighbor. They were in separate luxury suites, but their rooms were connected by a door in the main living room.

She shook her head and giggled.

Ash always had a way of wiggling around things she requested.

The only thing was, she didn’t know if she hated it or not.

Her first order of business was a tour around the island. She went down to the front office of the hotel and set up a private tour, then had the front desk call Ash’s room so he could come down. He emerged in a linen shirt and his board shorts, which ripped Kallie back into another time.

It felt like the island again.

And she hated how much she loved it.

“A private tour?” he asked.

Tags: Lexy Timms Wet & Wild Erotic