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“If you ever need anything, you can call me. I already programmed my number in there. I’m using a burner as well. I found out the hard way he could track my cell.”

She held the phone, shaking her head. “I don’t think I need this.”

“Please, take it. Alexandra, please don’t tell Tim I was here. It will only make him mad at both of us,” she asked.

“I shouldn’t. I mean, I’m not sure I want to be involved in any of this. This is between you and him and I think I should mind my own business,” Alexandra said, her eyes darting around the parking lot again.

Katherine sighed. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but you are involved. I know the signs. I know you are in a relationship that is toxic. A man doesn’t change overnight. A man like Tim might never change. He uses fear and intimidation to manipulate people. What he’s doing to Ben right now, that’s his attempt to control me. We both know Tim doesn’t need the money and we both know Tim could have fought back. He didn’t because he wanted to try and hurt Ben to get back at me.”

“I really need to get back inside,” she mumbled, holding on to the phone, which Katherine took as a good sign.

“Okay, I understand. Please be careful and like I said, call me if you have any questions or you need help. I’ll believe you.”

Alexandra stood up and started walking towards the front doors. She turned to look back at Katherine. It looked as if she would say something, but changed her mind and headed back inside, leaving her alone on the bench.

She tried. She wasn’t sure if she got through to the woman, but she had tried and that was all she could really do. The rest was up to her. She knew the struggle. If Alexandra was living in the mansion, leaving would be much harder. It was like being in jail and only getting out on work release. Even with Tim out of town, he kept a firm control over his women. It made Katherine hate him more. He was a despicable man who deserved to pay for his long list of crimes.

Katherine got up and walked away. She was going to stay in town for a couple days. Tim was probably in San Francisco, which meant it was relatively safe for her. She’d need to be careful though. She had used a different name to check in to the hotel. She’d withdrawn enough cash to avoid using her credit card while she was in LA. If Tim was tracking her movements, he would come home in a minute. Something told her Alexandra was on the fence about Tim. She seemed like a smart woman and realized what Katherine was saying was true. Katherine understood that inner war within. Alexandra was trying to figure out if Tim was lying or if the woman he had likely painted as a villain was the bad guy in the situation.

She didn’t envy her at all, but she wouldn’t push her. She had to make this decision on her own or she would keep going back to her abuser. That was something else Katherine had learned the hard way. Tim was an extremely manipulative man and could persuade anyone to do just about anything he wanted. When they didn’t do it his way, he used his size and that mean temper of his to do the convincing.

“You can do it, Alexandra, you can do it,” she whispered as she walked down the busy city sidewalk, fading into the crowd, the baseball cap she’d been wearing pulled low over her eyes to further conceal her identity in case anyone happened to recognize her.

Chapter Sixteen


HE HOPED SHE WAS CHECKING her email. It was the only way he knew to talk to her, even if she never replied. He felt a little sappy, leaving her emails every day, letting her know he wasn’t mad and to please just check in. Every email sounded a little more desperate. He was getting desperate. He was terrified Tim had done something to her. The man was borderline psychopath and Ben wouldn’t put anything past him. He could kill a woman and go out for dinner as if nothing had happened.

Ben’s ego was healthy enough to allow him to beg a little. Katherine needed to know she was missed and people were worried. He knew it had been years since she’d felt safe and allowed herself to have a group of friends that knew her secret. He had seen the change in her and knew she had begun to feel normal for the first time in years. He wanted that for her, even if she wasn’t necessarily with him. He cared about her happiness and her wellbeing above all.

He took a deep breath and focused on the words he would once again type and send out into cyberspace with the hope she would read them.

Hey, sweetheart, it’s Thursday and I just got to work. I was hoping to hear from you. I’m worried sick about you. Please tell me you’re okay. I understand if you’re worried and afraid to come back. You don’t have to be worried. I’ll protect you. I miss you. I miss hanging out with

you and watching that cooking show you love so much. I’m craving one of those homecooked meals with all the gravy and grease. I saw an advertisement the other day and I thought of you. It was for a new restaurant opening. They are touting themselves as old-fashion Southern style. When you come back, we’ll have to go there. I’m anxious to know if they can cook as well as you can. My money is on you.

Listen, I know you ran because Tim threatened you in some way. I had my first meeting with him the other day and I could tell he had said or done something to you. He knew you were on the run, which worries me a little. If he hurt you, you have to tell me. I will make him pay. If it’s me you’re worried about, don’t be. I can handle Tim. Please, don’t feel like you need to stay away to protect me. I’ll be okay. I want you back. I want you to come home. This is your home. We can get through this together.

We can’t let Tim win. That is what he wants. He wants you scared and on the run. It gives him a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction to know he is still controlling you. You are a fierce, strong woman, Katherine. Show him that. Prove to him he can’t scare you anymore. I’ll be there. I’ll be by your side. Together, we are stronger.

I’ll protect you. Please, let me protect you. I can hire a security team if you don’t want me hanging around. I don’t care what it takes, I’ll do whatever you want or need me to do. Don’t worry about me, please. None of this is your fault. This is all on him. Tim can’t hurt me. I know you think staying away from me is protecting me from that man, but all it’s doing is giving him the upper hand. I want to take away his control. I want to stand in front of him with you by my side and tell him to get lost. He can’t ruin your life. He can’t dictate your happiness. You are in charge of your destiny.

If you don’t want to be here, with me, I understand. I won’t pressure you. We can be friends or never speak again, but I will always be here for you whenever you need me. You are an amazing woman and I am a better man from the brief time I had you in my life.

Come home, sweetheart. Come back to the place you loved. The place where you felt comfortable and were building a life. Me, Talia, Rachel, Will and Meredith are all in your corner. Each of us is willing to stand up for you. You’re not alone. You will never be alone in this world again, if you don’t want to be.

Please, please just let me know you’re okay. If you want me to stop emailing you, I will. I just need to know you’re okay and settling in to wherever it is you’ve landed. I won’t chase you. I’ll give you all the space you need. Just a quick few words is all I am asking for.

Take care, sweetheart. I’m missing you like crazy.


He had to stop himself from telling her he loved her before he pushed the send button. That was not the way he wanted her to find out. He wanted to say the three little words to her face. He wanted to be able to see her face and judge her response to his declaration and hopefully, there would be a chance she’d say it back. He didn’t mind that’d he practically bared his soul in the email. A part of him wondered if Tim was somehow intercepting his messages. He wouldn’t put it past the guy. He knew the cell phone on the counter at Katherine’s house had been deliberately left behind. She was worried Tim would track her.

Ben squeezed his eyes closed, pinching the bridge of his nose in an effort to calm his rising anger. Thinking of Tim and the way he was controlling Katherine made him furious. It was difficult to think there was something he couldn’t control. His life had spoiled him. His wealth had made him a little soft. He was used to throwing money at a problem until he got what he needed.

A soft knock and the door pushing open pulled him out of his thoughts.

Tags: Lexy Timms You & Me Romance