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The cop stopped her. “Wait, I’m serious. If you’re ready to do something about your husband, we’ll make it happen.”

“How? I’ve called the police. I’ve filed reports and yet he’s still out there walking around.”

The woman smiled at her. “I’m different. I want to get guys like him behind bars.”

“What we want and what we get our two very different things I’ve learned.”

She reached into her front pocket and pulled out a business card. “Take this. The next time your husband shows up, you call me. I’ll make sure he gets locked up.”

Katherine took the card, surprised by the woman’s gesture. “Thank you, but how do you know there will be a next time?”

The cop cocked her head to the side. “You and I both know there will be a next time.”

She nodded her head in agreement. “Thank you. I’ll hold on to this. I truly hope I never need it.”

“I do too, but if you do, you call. In the meantime, you need to file for divorce. It’s a step in the right direction. He doesn’t deserve to have anything on you, even a silly piece of paper. File for divorce. It is going to make it a lot easier to get a restraining order, which you will need,” she advised.

Katherine’s stomach knotted thinking about what that would do. Tim would lose his mind. He would definitely come after her.

“I’ll think about it. Why are you helping me?” she asked, looking the cop straight in the eyes.

She shrugged. “Us women have to stick together.”

Katherine shook her head. “Liar.”

The cop’s smile faded. “I’ve been you.”

Katherine understood and nodded her head. “Thank you. Now, I need to go find out how to get my boyfriend out of jail.”

“Take care of yourself,” she called out as Katherine walked back into the lobby of the police station having no idea what to do next.

Bowers looked as if Ben was being charged with something pretty serious. She wasn’t Ben’s wife or a relative and had no way to get any information. She walked outside the police station, pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what to do next.

“Katherine!” she heard her name and spun around, trying to find the person calling her.

She spotted Rachel coming up the sidewalk and nearly collapsed in relief. “I’ve been calling you!” she shrieked.

“I’m sorry, I was busy trying to get everything rolling. Katherine, this is Meredith Green, Ben’s attorney.”

“Hi,” Katherine said shaking the woman’s hand.

“Hello, I understand we have a bit of a situation on our hands.”

Katherine sighed. “You have no idea.”

She quickly filled her in on everything that had been happening and Ben’s phone call. Meredith was nodding her head, her short blonde hair blowing in the breeze. When Katherine was finished with her story, Meredith looked at her and smiled.

“I’ll have him out shortly. I expect he’ll be hungry and wanting a shower.”


“Absolutely. I’ve played this little game a million times. Give me thirty minutes,” she said, and strolled into the police station, her briefcase swinging beside her.

Katherine turned to look at Rachel. “She’s kind of scary, huh?”

Rachel laughed. “Yes, she is, which is why she’s the best.”

“Do you know what’s going on? What are his charges? I was told assault, but they haven’t given him a bail amount. That can’t be good,” she said worriedly.

Tags: Lexy Timms You & Me Romance