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He looked at Rachel, who met his eyes. He arched a brow. She grinned in response. Things were definitely going well between her and Will. He winked, earning a scowl from Rachel who broke eye contact and stared out the window.

“I liked that band,” Katherine commented. “I think I’m going to see what concerts are coming to town. I want to hear some live music.”

The way she said it made her sound like she was talking more to herself than anyone else. He made a mental note to find somewhere to take her for more live music. It was San Francisco; there were clubs all over the place. He would find the best of the best to take her to.

“What kind of music do you like?” Rachel asked her.

Katherine shrugged. “Loud.”

Everyone laughed. She looked young and happy. He had seen that sparkle in her eyes when they danced. He loved being the one to put the light back in her eyes. She was a gorgeous, vibrant woman and deserved to be treated like a queen. He would do that for as long as she allowed him to.

“I prefer pop and dance type stuff,” Rachel said.

Katherine looked thoughtful. “I really like most any kind of music. I don’t care for the crazy punk stuff with all the screaming, but other than that, I think I could listen to anything. My preference will always be southern rock though. It makes me feel so rebellious.”

Ben reached over and grabbed her hand. He was really loving this side to her he hadn’t seen before. She smiled and squeezed his hand in return before he had to take it back and put it on the wheel.

“Where are you going?” Rachel asked, as he took a left turn away from the direction of her apartment.

“I’m driving Will home first,” he said, looking in the mirror. His eyes met Rachel’s and then Will’s.

Will winked at him. Ben grinned and focused his attention back on the road. His love match was working out well. He glanced in the mirror again and saw Will leaning close to Rachel’s ear. Rachel blushed, and he knew Will had just asked her to go home with him. It was a bold move.

He stopped at a light and reached for Katherine’s hand again. He loved touching her. She turned to look at him and smiled. Her cheeks were still a little flushed. He wasn’t sure if it was strictly because of the alcohol or the dancing but had a feeling it was a combination of both. It was a good look on her.

“Tonight, was an absolute blast,” she said in a low voice.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” he said, bringing her hand to his lips and gently kissing it.

She took a deep breath, her breasts heaving under the shirt. “I did. I cannot remember ever having so much fun, especially in a bar. You’ve opened my eyes to a whole new world.”

“Good, I hope I can show you more things you might like,” he said, leaving the innuendo hanging.

Her eyes dropped to his lips and he knew his words had the desired effect. She was going to be thinking about him naked and that was exactly what he’d been going for. He turned his focus back to the road. He pulled in front of the luxury condominium building where Will lived and waited to see who got out of the vehicle.

“Um, I’m going to get out here,” Rachel said, from the backseat.

Ben turned and winked at her. “Be good and don’t forget you work on Monday.”

She rolled her eyes. “Maybe I should remind you of that same,” she said pointedly before sliding out of the vehicle.

He laughed and waited for them to get through the front doors of the building before he looked over at Katherine.

“Why are you so happy?” she asked him.

He shrugged a shoulder. “I’ve been trying to get those two together for at least a year. I can’t believe it is finally happening. I never would have imagined them together, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized they would complement each other. They are different in many ways, but at their cores, they are both good, loving people and I think they have something special.

She turned and watched them. Will had his arm around Rachel, her head resting on his shoulder as they walked. Rachel’s arm reached out and went around Will’s waist. They looked like they’d been together for years as they matched each other’s pace.

“Aren’t you proud of yourself,” she said, turning to look back at him.

He couldn’t stop smiling. “I am. I love them both. They are truly my best friends in this world and I want them to be happy. I think they can be happier together.”

“What if they break up?” she asked, one of her light brown eyebrows arched up.

He pondered the thought. “I don’t know.”

“That could get really awkward.”

Tags: Lexy Timms You & Me Romance