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“We’re going to get you some groceries. Then I can make a quick pasta dish and we’ll make a night of getting you all moved in.” Talia spoke with her hands, twirling her narrow fingers in the air to bend with her words.

“Talia, you don’t have to do all of that,” Katherine reasoned, adding weight to her arm to slow their pace to a stop.

“Yes, I do. When I first moved here someone did it for me. And some day, you’ll see someone with those big blue eyes like yours, looking around in amazement. Then it will be your job to show them the ropes. Now, let’s go. Oh, and we’re getting wine!” Talia announced with a tone that let Katherine know there was no use in arguing.

They laughed loudly as Talia jokingly chastised Katherine after learning of her recent diet. Greeting every passing neighbor, Talia was exactly what Katherine wanted to be. She was comfortable in her community, but more than anything, she was safe. There was something different about a person free of fear.

In comparison to herself, Katherine thought Talia glided across the sidewalk, her shoulder

s bopping with every step as her permanent smile remained plastered across her face. She was happy, and the longer Katherine stayed around her, the more she hoped it would rub off on her.

“This is Hendrick!” Talia shouted, kneeling down to pet a golden retriever lounging at the entry way.

“Oh my gosh! He’s adorable!” Katherine squealed, bending to pet the furry guy.

“His owner knew he was a star, so he named the market after him.” Talia explained as she stood, reaching into her shoulder bag. “I’m going to get a few things from the bakery. You go to the produce section. It’s right back there,” she pointed. “Get red onion, garlic, and tomatoes. I’ll meet you in the wine section,” Talia winked before walking off.

Katherine smiled, watching the fiery red head prance across the store. Unlike the typical grocery chain, Hendrick’s was set up more like a farmer’s market. Everything was housed in crates or wooden boxes, with chalkboards displaying the daily specials.

Taking her time as she walked across the store, Katherine strolled around the deli counter, which was a circular island in the center of the market. There were so many options, with rows and rows of cured meats and an entire wall of cheeses to choose from.

Katherine knew she planned to use the market for regular grocery shopping before she even saw the juicing station. A gray-haired man worked in a small booth, cold pressing vegetables and fruits into vibrant colored juices.

This was just what she wanted in a market. Hendrick’s offered a diverse collection of organic products, and since Katherine had always been health conscious, it was right up her alley.

The sound of loud laughter drew her eyes to the back, and she looked up to see Talia slapping a man on the shoulder as he roared loudly. Katherine laughed just watching the two of them, again admiring Talia’s ability to make everyone around her comfortable.

“Can I help you with something?” A thin woman in a red shirt asked Katherine.

“Just looking. Thank you,” she answered with a smile.

In that moment, Katherine realized it was the happiest, and most excited she had ever been. What many women took for granted, a simple girl’s night out, was the most exciting thing she had done in months. Her neighborhood seemed to get better every day, and she’d made a friend at her new job who doubled as the perfect tour guide.

Feeling like a tourist in a new world, Katherine reached for the ripest tomatoes, quickly filling a bag. Suddenly, the hairs on her arm stood, her heart fluttering as if something was wrong. It was an uneasiness that could sneak up on her at the drop of the dime. While it was usually all in her mind, Katherine just knew she could feel someone watching her.

Glancing over her right shoulder, she was relieved to see nothing unusual. It was what was over her left shoulder that took her breath away.

“Hello,” he said, his voice as smooth as chocolate. It was the man who had first come into her job, ordering a dozen pastries. He was so blunt when he first approached her, and then again at the gym, he had asked to take her out like it was a formality.

With the memory of their last encounter, her tongue felt heavy and thicker than usual in her mouth. His deep green eyes glanced over her body in one subtle look and Katherine felt weak. He was confident, but still relatable.

She could read softness in his eyes, but life had taught her that it meant nothing. Still, her breath was rushed looking over his body as he smiled back at her, the same dangerous smile that had plagued her thoughts. Words evaded her as she watched him run his manicured nails through his thick, dark hair. She could tell he took care of himself and was a type of man who was used to getting his way. She was at a loss for words, left staring as the bag of tomatoes slipped from her hand, spilling all over the ground.

Chapter Eight


BENJAMIN WATCHED WITH interest as the brunette woman he’d been lusting about knelt quickly to pick up each tomato from the floor. She was flustered from the sight of him, which he took as a good sign. After the way she had rejected him at the gym, he had feared he was losing his way with women. But the look on her face when her eyes had landed on him was all the indication he needed to know that she was most certainly affected.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,” he started, hoping this would be a lengthier conversation than their last interaction.

“No-no, it’s not your fault,” she said, so softly Benjamin had to lean in to make out her words. Never did she look up to him, focusing more on the task than him.

“I was just shocked to see you again. You remember me, don’t you?” Benjamin asked, with a tone that commanded her attention.

Those blue eyes were more remarkable every time he saw them. Filled with curiosity and a dangerous emotion he couldn’t exactly place, Ben felt he could get lost in her beauty, delving deep into the rich blue of her eyes.

“Yes. From the gym,” she admitted after a long pause, turning away as she stood.

Tags: Lexy Timms You & Me Romance