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“And you’re welcome to stay here as long as you need to get your head on straight.”

“Thanks.” I walked around his parlor and admired what he already had in here. He had constructed his cash register counter and painted it this wonderful shade of deep seagreen. The walls in the waiting room were this pale green, reminiscent of something you might see on an Easter Sunday or something like that. But when you walked through the door to go back into the four tattoos rooms that shot off the hallway, there was this really trippy color on the walls.


“What, dude?”

“What’s this paint on the walls back here called?”

“Oh, man. That’s some seriously awesome stuff. They call it mermaid paint or something like that. Isn’t it awesome? I wanted a darker tone for the tattoo rooms, but I still wanted to incorporate the green element into it. When you stand one way, it looks black and shimmery, then as you move it morphs from copper to yellow to green and shimmery,” he said.

I slowly started to move my body side to side and watched as the wall crawled with colors. Leave it to Hailey to find something like this that would absolutely catch the eye and suit Drew perfectly. I chuckled and shook my head while Drew stood next to me, admiring his own handiwork while I took in the few pieces of furniture he’d already moved into here.

“When do you think your grand opening will be?” I asked.

“Honestly? I’m thinking about delaying it until April,” he said.

“Why’s that? Aren’t you paying rent on this space now?” “Well, I’m paying the mortgage on it, yes.” “Wait, you’re paying to own this space outright? How’d you swing into that?” I asked. “Some serious bartering and convincing the landlord he’d never be able to rent the property otherwise. The rent would’ve been way too high, and I convinced him no one with a business starting out could afford something like that and no one with an established business would look for a piece of property in a place like this.” “You were always good at that shit,” I said. “So, I convinced him to sell it to me. It cut the monthly price in half, and I can easily swing two months of it without any internal revenue until I get myself open.” “Any reason why you’re delaying it so much?” I asked. “It took me a while to fix the electrical and water problems in the building, so I want to give myself enough time to encounter any more problems. If there’s one thing I learned from construction, it’s that shit can go wrong even when you’re putting on the last coat of paint, man.” “Damn straight,” I said, grinning. “But if you slap the last coat of paint on and you don’t experience any issues, will you open early?” “I was thinking about doing some private tattoos to get my name out there. Offering discounted services, no matter the intricacy of the tattoo, so I could get my work on other people besides yourself. There’s no better advertisement than proof and word of mouth in the tattoo business,” he said. “That sounds like an awesome idea,” I said. “Let me know when you do that. I think I have an idea for another tattoo.” “Oh? What’s it gonna be now?” But all I did was grin at him as my night of passion with Hailey came rushing back to my mind. That geometric pattern would make a wonderful tattoo on the rest of my back, or maybe a smaller version on

the inside of my thigh.

I was still mulling it over, but I really loved how that painting and its swirling colors turned out. “How goes shit with that Ellen chick?” Drew asked. “It’s going well. I’m considering her offer still.” “Dude, you’restill thinking about it?” “It would be a huge transition, but I think she’d be on board with a lot of the things I threw out. Including getting the foundation in with my business.” “Nu-uh. Man, that’s awesome. What the hell’s holding you back?” he asked. “A couple things, but they’re minor.” “Like?” “Like the fact that she came onto me heavily during our dinner,” I said. “Wait. She hit on you?” “Repeatedly. Even went so far as to express an interest in sleeping with me. I had to put my foot down and tell her I was in a relationship already with a woman I loved. Then before she finally backed off, she told me if things ever went south to give her a call.” “Oh shit, man. That’s a mess. Did she calm down, though, after you told her?” he asked. “After I threatened to get up and walk away, yeah. It’s a whole long thing I don’t really want to get into.” “Did you tell Hailey about it?” he asked. “I did, and she was surprisingly okay about it. She was more concerned with the fact that sleeping with Ellen was a requirement for the job. I reassured her it was nothing like that, and then she told me to take the job.” “Then you should listen to the woman. Look at all the wonderful ideas she has.” Drew ushered his arm around his tattoo shop, and I couldn’t help but shake my head at him.

“What’s the second thing?” he asked. “I’ve got to get some things automated with the company to make things easier. Because of the work that would already be in front of me with the foundation, I’d have to split my time between the company and the foundation. If I don’t want the company to dwindle, some things have to be electronic to make things easier for me there.” “Makes sense. You gonna take the job after all that shit’s done?” he asked. “I don’t know,” I said. “I’m not quite all the way there yet, okay?” “Fine. Fine. I get it. So, how’s Hailey?” I paused for a moment and allowed the question to rattle around in my head before I answered. “Well, you were there at the dinner,” I said. “I didn’t ask how she was feeling. I asked how she was, dude.” “I mean, she’s fine. She-she’s more than fine after last night.” “Uh-oh. You lay down a little lovin’ on her?” he asked coyly. I smirked at the memory of that very first orgasm and how it took little to no movement on my part to have her weak and trembling in the crook of my arm. I shivered simply thinking about it, and it wasn’t until Drew started laughing that I was ripped from my lewd thoughts of her body. “Oh shit, dude. You got it bad,” he said. “I do, and after last night, I want more than to just move in with her.” That statement silenced Drew’s laughter completely. “Wait, what?” “I love her, Drew,” I said as I turned toward him. “More than I’ve ever loved any other person in my life. She completes me in a way I’ve never experienced, and not just sexually. It’s like her life was made for mine. In every way. And I can’t let that go. I can’t risk losing that again.” Drew looked at me with a shocked sort of happiness on his face before a grin tugged at his cheeks.

“She helped me heal wounds my brother’s death left open and seeping. She was there through all the agony and heartache it took to pull my family back together. She kept me going when I wanted to stop, and she never gave up on me, even when I hate fucked her and—” The words caught in my throat as tears rose to my eyes. “Oh, dude. This is serious,” Drew said. “It is. We were bound together by my brother, even when we didn’t know each other yet. That’s special, Drew. That’s some next level shit that most people never find. I-I want to ask her, you know? To marry me.” The smile that encompassed Drew’s face confirmed for me the idea that had been rattling around in my head ever since that moment when I’d pinned Hailey’s wrists above her head and realized I never wa

nted to live without her by my side. “I just don’t know if it’s the right time, you know? It’s obvious there’s something going on. I mean, you saw it at dinner, but that isn’t deterring me. I want all of her, even her secrets she can’t tell me yet.” “That’s love, man, and I support you all the way. I’ve never seen you like this with a girl before. She’s truly something special,” he said. “She is.” “I can’t help you with something like this. I want to, but I can’t. You have to follow your heart on this one. It’s brought you this far, so it won’t fail you now at this stage. In my eyes, the engagement here is easy. She’ll say yes. You know she will. Then, you just set a wedding date for whenever. You’ve got this in the bag, so don’t overstress it, man.” “But asking her, that’s some serious shit. Women like romance and big romantic gestures. What would Hailey enjoy?” I asked. “Dude, think about what you just said. Have you ever known Hailey to do anything big or romantic? Ever?” I thought back to last night and thought that was pretty big and

romantic, but even still, it was just the two of us in an intimate and vulnerable moment that spiraled into something carnal and beautiful all at the same time. “No,” I said, snickering. “Then why would you change up that shit now? Hailey’s an artist, sure, but she keeps to herself. Do something that suits her, dude. You’ll pick out the ring with her in mind, right?’ “Of course,” I said. “Then plan the proposal with her in mind. After all, that’s the only person you’re popping this question to. It isn’t for everyone else. It’s for the two of you.” “I want it to be perfect,” I said. “Then make it perfect with her in mind,” he said. “When the hell’d you get so smart?” I asked. “I don’t fucking know.” We chuckled as the smell of paint whirled around our heads, and it made me think of Hailey. I wanted to give it some more thought, and I wanted to take the time to pick out a ring, but I knew I wanted to do it. I wanted to ask this woman who had captured my mind, heart, and soul to be mine forever. I wanted to share with her in her highs and walk her through her lows. I wanted to start a family with her and trace my fingertips along the stretch marks I knew she’d complain about for the rest of her life. I wanted to stand by her while her gallery succeeded, and I wanted her to stand by my side while I accepted Ellen’s job offer. I wanted to experience the whole of life with her, and that’s exactly what I was going to do. “Thanks for letting me hang out for a while,” I said.

“Anytime, man. Anytime.”

Hailey M arch signaled the beginning of spring, and as the sun rose high in the sky, it brought along with it a rejuvenation of life. The cold was making its way out to sea, and the sun was beginning to breathe its glorious warmth all over San Diego. I walked out of my apartment this morning and smiled as the sun hit my face. It allowed me to forget, if only for a brief moment, that my body ached more than it ever had before. I went to work and found a familiar face at my doorstep. I rushed her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in close before I had a chance to unlock the door. Anna was at my gallery, and I couldn’t have been happier to see her. “It’s a beautiful day,” she said. “I’m glad winter’s finally moving out.” “Me too. This one was a doozy, and I’m glad to leave it behind.” We pushed our way into the gallery, and I started setting things up. Anna helped me hang a few paintings on the wall where there were bare spots, and I took the liberty of filing some other paintings away that had been dropped off by various artists to be showcased. I saw Anna’s eyes fluttering over the massive canvas adhered to the wall, her eyes taking in the swirls of colors while my body remembered that glorious night of passion I’d shared with Bryan. “This one’s... interesting,” Anna said. “What inspired it?” I snickered and shook my head before I chose my words carefully. “Spontaneity and new experiences,” I said. “Well, it’s massive. Anyone interested in it?”

But all I could do was throw my head back and laugh. “What’s so funny?” she asked. “Nothing. Nothing. It is pretty big but so was the inspiration for it. However, I have a question for you.” “Okay. Shoot.” “I had to hear secondhand that you and Drew have been talking.” I saw Anna blush, and it made me clap my hands and squeal. “You’ve been holding out on me! Tell me all about it.” “Well, we aren’t just talking,” Anna said. “Oh, my gosh. You’re joking. The two of you are sleeping together?” “No. I mean, yes, but that’s not what I meant,” she said. I stood there in shock as a huge, goofy smile crossed my sister’s face. “Why am I just now hearing about this?” I exclaimed. “Well, I didn’t want to jinx anything. At first, we were only talking on the phone. Then he wanted to take me on a date, but it wasn’t anything special, just a hot dog place where we got food and talked some more. One thing led to another, and we didn’t have one of those fancy dates until a couple nights ago, and that’s when he asked me.” “How exactly did he ask you?” “He told me he loved spending time with me and that he didn’t want to spend time with anyone else,” she said. “Anna’s got a boyfriend. Anna’s got a boyfriend.” I danced around the room chanting the phrase while my sister stood there blushing. I was absolutely ecstatic for the two of them. They were perfect for one another in every single way, and I was glad one of them finally got their head out of their ass. They’d been dancing around the topiclong enough, and it was about damn time they made their way toward something more. “I’ve even been helping him set up his tattoo parlor, so he can get it

open next month,” she said.

“I was wondering why Drew wasn’t asking for my services anymore,” I said, grinning. “How’s it coming along?” “It looks really good. He loves the green color scheme you laid out, and the shimmering paint in the back looks awesome. Customers are going to really love it. Right now, he’s advertising his services on a temporary discounted basis before he does his grand opening.” “Really? Why?” I asked. “Something about word of mouth being the best for a tattoo business? He wants to get his work out there on other people. Then when people ask where they got their tattoo done, they can point them in the direction of Drew.” “That actually makes a lot of sense. It’s a good thing I’ve got his book on my counter advertising some of his artwork. I’ve already had people ask me where they could find the artist in question,” I said. “Oh, he’ll be happy to know that.” “How’s the legal service going?” I asked as I sat down behind the register. “The last time we talked, it was still just an idea.” “Well, it’s an idea that’s coming to fruition. Remember when Dad stopped by to see you a couple weeks ago?” “Yeah?” “He was actually in town helping me,” she said. “We found a little place that won’t cost much that I can rent out and set up shop in. Since I’m not trying to build a business or anything, the space doesn’t need much, just me, a welcoming atmosphere, and a place for people to sit and wait if they need to.” “Anna, that’s so awesome, and I’m glad Dad and Mom were serious about helping you,” I said. “Me, too. He was the one who pointed the place out. But, I’m still running into some issues with keeping myself afloat. I’ve got my savings, but that’s dwindling because of me only working a part-time job. To do the work I want to, this low-cost legal service thing will have to be full-time for me, but it won’t allow me my own personal income stream. Mom and Dad said they’d kick in a bit to help subsidize rent for a while, but it still doesn’t give me a living wage.” “Why don’t you talk to Ellen St. Claire?” I asked. “If you’re willing to take on homeless clients if they need legal services, her foundation might be willing to help.” Suddenly, a headache came on that stopped me in my tracks. My vision started to blur and this ringing in my ear began, and for a second, I couldn’t hear anything. Anna’s mouth was moving, but there was no sound, and I saw a customer walking around, but I didn’t hear the door open. I held my face in my hands, trying to will it away as the nausea started, but by the time I could hear things around me again, Anna had pulled me into the small shop in back. “Hailey, talk to me. What’s wrong?” she asked. “Just my head,” I said. “I’m going to call your doctor,” she said. “No need,” I said breathlessly. “He’ll only tell you I need surgery.” “Then maybe that’s what you need to do, you idiot,” she said. “How long have they been this bad?” “A couple weeks, maybe? I don’t know.” “Look, you shaved your head to cover up the chemo, but this is getting serious. Your doctor can still help you, but if you keep trying to be some sort of martyr, you’ll seal your own death, Hailey. Come on. Please let me call your doctor,” she said. “Look, what I’m doing now is slowing the growth of the tumors, okay?” I asked. “But your symptoms are getting worse. It’s slowing but not stopping. Hailey, that doctor can still save you. You know he can. What in the world are you doing?” “I’m doing what’s best for my life while I’ve still got it,” I said. “No, you’re doing what’s best to conceal this from Bryan because you’re scared of how he’ll react. Don’t you see? You’re killing yourself because you’re scared of one person’s reaction.”

“I’m not doing that,” I said.

“You shaved your head to conceal the chemo. You’re not

getting the surgery because the port will be recognizable to Bryan. You eat as normally as you can around him, so he doesn’t ask questions about your change in diet. You’re doing it to conceal this from him. All of it. Tell Bryan. Don’t make me live without my sister just because you’re scared.”

“I’m not telling Bryan,” I said.

“Don’t you see how idiotic you’re being?” she asked. “You’re literally sentencing yourself to die because you’re afraid of someone’s reaction.”

“No, the brain tumor sentenced me to death,” I said.

“No, according to the doctor, it didn’t. There are still ways to help you, but you won’t take them because ... well, Bryan. What the hell are you so scared of, Hailey?”

“Honestly? Nothing. I’ve been living my life better than I ever thought now that I’ve got this looming over me. I’m even thinking about taking a European art tour and selling my art all around the world. That way, when this tumor finally takes me, the price of my art will skyrocket. I could put it in my will to split the money from my paintings evenly between you and Bryan, and that would give you both the money you guys need to keep forwarding your dreams. You said so yourself that you need an income stream. I could give you that income stream.”

“By dying?” she asked. “Do you even hear yourself?”

Tags: Lexy Timms Brush of Love Romance