Page 49 of Truth

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Then, Jami turned to me once more and said, “It was very nice to meet you, Brooklyn. I’m sure I’ll see you again at some point.”

I smiled, and then he turned on his heel.

“Happy birthday!” I shouted, and he turned around and nodded with a sly smile on his face.

Reid looked over at me, our eyes locking for far too long. “What?” I finally asked, feeling self-conscious. Did I make a fool out of myself?

“Noth— Nothing,” he mumbled before scooting back into the booth.

“What about my water?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips. Reid’s eyes followed my every move. I growled when he didn’t answer. “Fine, I’ll go get it myself. I see Jane and the guys over there, anyway. I’d ask what you want, but you’re being rude.”

As soon as I turned on my heel, Reid’s warm palm rounded around my bicep. “Hey!” I yelled as I turned around.

“I’ll get it,” he rasped out.

I gave him an annoyed looked. “Reid, I can get it. Don’t forget, we’re not really on a date; you don’t have to pretend you’re a gentleman. I know the real you.”

Reid’s stare went dark. “I said I’ll get it.”

“I’m going to get it,” I argued, feeling like a child. Why does he bring out the brat in me?

“No,” he said, his voice gravelly.

“Why can’t I get it?” I asked, reaching up slowly and peeling his calloused fingers off my arm. My heart started to flutter under his touch, and I couldn’t quite handle it as well as I thought I could.

Reid ran his hand through his dark locks. “Because… you walking up to the bar wearing that dress? You’ll never get your damn water. If you want to be stopped by every male in this room, then so be it, but you’ll get your water a lot faster if I go and get it.”

I paused, looking up into his eyes. My eyes drifted down to his mouth—on accident, of course—before shooting back up to where they were supposed to be looking. “Was that a sideways approach at a compliment?”

Reid’s hold on his normal, serious, frowning face wavered. His mouth moved a fraction, but he shook his head before walking toward the bar to get my water.

I yelled as a smile was fixing itself on my face, “Get me a gin and tonic. I need something stronger if I’m going to be stuck with you all night.”

I slid back into the booth, feeling pleased with my bold self. I didn’t even have time to get myself together before he reappeared with my drink in hand and another small glass sloshing with amber liquid.

He slid in beside me, his body language possessing a booming quiet that heightened all of my senses at once.

I sipped on my drink as he sipped on his. I watched Jane at the bar with Finn and Jackson, obviously winning both of their affection. There were a few other people at the bar, mostly famous people I recognized but wouldn’t dare talk to unless I absolutely had to. Jane didn’t seem too concerned, though, but then again, she was used to this sort of thing. She glanced at me and waved for me to come over, but something made me stay in the booth with Reid. I could feel the air around us shifting as he placed his glass down on the table in front of us.

“I know what you did.”

I froze, my hand still lingering on my glass. “Isn’t that what I should be saying?” I saw Reid cock his head to the side out of the corner of my eye. “Surprising me with my best friend—for what? To make up for having me come here as your date when you knew it made me more uncomfortable than you walking in on me naked?”

Reid continued to stare at my profile as I kept my hand clutched to my drink. “This isn’t about me right now.”

“Okay, fine. What do you mean you know what I did?” My stomach tensed at the same time my shoulders did.

Reid leaned into me as I focused my gaze onto the water droplets falling gracefully from the edge of my cup. He was so close I could feel the heat emitting from his body. I could smell the cologne he’d splashed on before leaving the hotel. The atmosphere surrounding us crackled with electricity. It felt like my heart had stopped beating in my chest. His breath gently caressed my exposed neck as he whispered into my ear, “I know you gave Rod your own lyrics and said they were mine.”

My heart did stop beating in my chest. My throat closed. It seemed as if all of those senses that were heightened just a few minutes ago actually stopped working all together.

Reid’s thigh brushed along mine, the scratchy fabric rubbing on my skin. Nope, senses are definitely still on.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, pulling my head down to stare at my bare legs.

“You’re sorry?” he asked, still close to my ear. Goosebumps broke out along my thighs as I wiggled in my seat.

“Ye…yes. I…” I began to stutter, and I tried to blame it on my already-there awkwardness, but I knew it was a simple reaction to him being so close. My body was throbbing in places it never had before. It felt like I was on fire, and I hated it. Reid pulled back, his breath no longer fanning out along my skin.

Tags: S.J. Sylvis Romance