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Which was so fucking dangerous.

Because the bottom line was that I was still in a relationship. Even if only for another day.

Chapter Twenty-Three


He has a girlfriend. He has a girlfriend. He has a girlfriend.

I’d told myself that so many times today, I’d lost count.

I’d say it had to be somewhere in the hundreds, but I lost count after fifty-seven.

I even had Becca text me occasionally throughout the day to remind me that Dawson had a girlfriend, she was NO help at all.

These were her texts:

Dawson has been in love with you for so long, go for it.

Breanna is evil, and even though I don’t think anyone should be cheated on, she is E V I L.

Then, moments later:

Should I remind you about the time she took all your clothes freshman year during gym? You had to wear a size XL smelly old gym shirt that Mr. Williams gave you. NOT OKAY. EVIL.

I laughed out loud on that one, remembering the awful day and how Dawson had pulled me aside to ask me why the heck I was wearing such a large shirt.

My head fell, just as my shoulders did. I was completely defeated and wanted to cry. Breanna always hated me. She always tried to make my life a living hell. I truly had no idea why, that's just how it was back then.

Once I told Dawson what had happened, he skipped his second period class (yes, I had gym first period – how rude of the school to make me preform physical activity so early in the morning… Oh, and not to mention having gym-hair all day long) and he made Emmett drive him to my house to grab me a shirt and pants.

As soon as they arrived back at school and snuck back in, he pulled me aside just as I was walking to English. He smirked as he handed me my favorite blue polo and a pair of jeans.

I was completely shocked to the point that I couldn’t form words.

Neither could Breanna when she saw me walking into English wearing normal clothes.

She didn’t admit to taking mine in gym, but I knew she did it. The redness of her ears and angry lines around her eyes told me so. It was definitely one of my better memories of high school…all because of Dawson.

I hurriedly texted Becca back, telling her that she was absolutely no help, and then moved onto my sister’s text:

How was it staying with your old pal?

I replied, Fine.

Dawson glanced over at me and smiled, causing my heart to flutter. Yeah, my “fine” was a big, ol’ lie.

Mia’s text made my fingers still on my phone.

Have you told him that you’re still crushing on him, even six years later?

Am I that obvious? My God.

I texted her back: I have no clue what you’re talking about. And then I shoved my phone back in my bag and leaned against the cool, leather seat of Dawson’s ’99 Camaro.

“UGHHHHH. No!” I yelled, jamming my fingers onto the dash.

“What?” Dawson yelled back, acting appalled.

Tags: S.J. Sylvis Oak Hill Romance