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Ford looked at Flynn and then nodded his head at both men.

“Then we’re done. Any other jobs come our way, we’ll discuss it as a team and decide to decline or engage.”

Fenton nodded in agreement and instantly felt relieved.

Fenton faced kill or get killed too many times in this lifetime. Not anymore. No stranger, or some high commodity, was worth giving his life for.

“Things have changed for all of us. Our perspectives on life, and our hopes for the future. Whatever we decide, we decide as a team, as a family,” Ford added.

“Yes, sir,” Flynn said and smiled.

“Yes, sir,” Fenton added before he leaned back and took a nap in what would hopefully be the last time he would ever be sitting in the back of a military chopper again.

* * * *

Ford completely understood Fenton’s position. In fact, he had been contemplating calling a house meeting so they could seriously discuss limiting the risky jobs they had been doing. In fact, he would be fine stopping them altogether and just focusing on enjoying the property and their home in Pearl, as well as beginning to truly settle down.

Income wasn’t an issue. The riskier the missions, the higher the price. Plus, the five of them had combined their money and settled down together. It was what they were all used to and it made adapting to civilian life a hell of a lot easier. They weren’t social men. Men that engaged in community activities on a regular basis. They showed their faces every now and then. Fisher and Grey were the ones who had adapted quickly and even landed jobs in law enforcement. But not the rest of them. They preferred to live by their own rules, and just live in peace and quiet on their own ranch. Their friends called their ranch and home an estate. The house was over six thousand square feet, not including the finished basement and storm shelter underground.

They owned a hundred acres of land and didn’t plan on doing anything on it but ride their dirt bikes, fish, swim, and just enjoy the outdoors. When they’d first purchased the land and started building their home, they camped outside through all weather conditions. Their friends thought they were crazy. But they were just happy to be free. Overjoyed to not worry about bullets flying over their heads while they tried to snag a nap because they were on the hunt and entirely exhausted. It took a lot of time to just relax and not jump at every small sound, or freak out and panic at every loud sound.

Their anxiety levels had been through the roof until Fenton told them that they needed to live outdoors. To know firsthand that this was home, their place of peace, security, and serenity.

Just as he thought about that, his satellite phone rang.

He glanced at Flynn and Fenton. Knowing that Fisher and Grey knew they were on a mission and would be returning in a few days, it had to be important.

“Hello?” he called out over the hum of the rotors on the UH-60 Black Hawk.

“Ford, it’s Silas. I need a favor.”

As soon as he heard from their good friend and on the satellite phone, Ford knew that it was serious. He listened in as Silas explained in quick detail about the Russian mafia abducting and roughing up his sister India, and then ditching her on the side of the road. He felt his anger, in fact even shared it. He’d never met Silas’s sister before but knew they were close.

“I need to get her out of here and someplace safe without these dicks finding out. I’m staying back here in Salvation to help my friend handle the problems. I won’t even set foot near where she’s going just as precaution until this situation is resolved or blows over. Can you help me out?”

“Of course we can help. Just tell me what you need, where she’s located, and when do you need this done by?”

He listened as he looked at

Fenton, who appeared pissed off and annoyed. Hadn’t he just said that they would cut back on any missions and maybe end the freelance work entirely?

This was different. Silas was a close friend, a fellow soldier. His team were good people and they would do the same for Ford and his team if any of them were even close to their families.

This woman was in serious danger. The more details Ford got, the angrier he became.

“We’ll take care of everything, Silas. She’ll be safe. I personally guarantee it.”

Chapter 2

“I’m scared, and everything hurts, Dmitri,” India whispered as Dmitri gathered India in his arms and carried her up the ramp to board his private jet. He glanced around, being sure no one was watching, despite the fact he had about a dozen men surrounding the entire location.

“I know, baby, but staying in the hospital like some sitting duck wouldn’t be wise. Your brother and I have a plan. You rest, and let me take care of the rest. Okay?” he asked, glancing down at her battered face. He wanted to kill Iakov with his bare hands, but that would be Storm and his team’s job. Silas and the others had asked for his help in transporting her to a secret location. Her life was in danger now. Andrei, Iakov, and the others could have killed her. She needed protection of the strongest kind and the men they had in mind would ensure India made it through this and was kept safe and secure.

“Where are we going?” she mumbled as he walked her toward the back of the plane and into the private bedroom. He gently placed her down on the bed.

She moaned and he had to lift her gently as to not hurt her more, she was so bruised up. She looked terrible and kept passing out from the pain. This was the longest she had stayed awake and he assumed it was because of the fear she had. Dmitri was never described as a compassionate man or even caring, but to see an innocent woman like India hurt so badly as a form of revenge was really pissing him off.

“To a safe place. When the danger is over, your brother or I will come to you. Be strong and trust these men we’re placing you with.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic