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Diane swallowed hard and then looked from Sage to Melissa. “What if they wanted me for so long, but now that they’ve had me, it’s not so wonderful or doesn’t last?”

“That’s what getting to know them is all about. Sure the lust, the desire, and physical attraction are there,” Melissa stated.

“It must have been because you slept with them. But, now comes the bonding, the getting to know each of them separately and together,” Sage added.

Diane thought about that a moment. It made sense. This was just the beginning of their relationship, so of course it was a learn-as-you-go thing. Plus, she didn’t know what New York would bring.

“I’m definitely going to New York. I think it’s the right thing to do because I promised Monique I would try it, and also, I don’t want Drake, Lucas, and Mark to think I’m all clingy and possessive. That could turn them off entirely.”

Sage chuckled. “You definitely need that ‘getting to know one another’ time.”

“What is that supposed to mean, Sage?” Diane asked.

“I’m involved with retired military, special agents, very similar men and personalities to yours. Their professions, their experiences, their personalities, scream possessiveness, control, and dominance. I’d be surprised if they actually let you out of their sight, or let you go alone.”

“Oh God, you’re right, one of them will probably insist on going with her,” Melissa said, and then she nibbled her bottom lip.

“No, they wouldn’t do that. This relationship is new.”

“Honey, you’ve seen how the men in Pearl are. They protect the women of Pearl, both single and not,” Melissa told her.

“I can take care of myself. I’ve had to for this long.”

“Paul, Willie, and Hank have been watching over you. Why do you think Mark got so angry with them that night he found you on the side of the road in the rain changing your tire?” Melissa added.

“Mark stopped to help you that night? Oh my, this is fate now, isn’t it?” Sage added and then winked.

Diane smiled. “He was pretty upset.”

“Exactly. So be prepared for them to talk you out of going to New York, or for one of them if not all of them to go with you,” Melissa told her.

“They can’t. They wouldn’t. Mark is working that case, remember? Lucas and Drake have their orders to complete, and besides, I’m not going alone, Sage is coming with me.”

Sage’s eyes widened and Melissa laughed as she walked around the counter to sit down.

“Now this is going to get really interesting,” Melissa said.

Diane winked at Sage. “It’s why I asked you to meet me here. Monique texted me last night. I got it this morning when I went home to shower and change. She said I could bring a friend so I would feel more comfortable.”

“And you’re asking me?” Sage asked, sounding excited.

“Yep. I would have asked Melissa, but she would be uncomfortable flying out there, and her men would never allow it, never mind baby Johnny.”

“Thanks for thinking of me,” Melissa said.

Sage and Diane smiled.

“So go ask Dale, Virgo, Matt, and Quaid. Tell them I can send the itinerary to them and all our contact information including the hotel, the studio, and the limo driver’s number.”

Limo driver?” Sage asked, sounding excited now, too.

“Oh yeah, we’re going first class, and we’ll have an escort with us the entire time.”

“Oh my God. What do I wear? What should I pack?”

Diane chuckled. “We’ll go over that this week. We leave Friday night and return late Monday night.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic