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“I want that container locked up and secured immediately. The boss wants these last shipments to be complete within the week,” Zand Yousef stated firmly.

“Within the week? Is he out of his mind? We’re trying not to draw any attention to us. That’s how we’ve been able to stay under the radar. If I push these men, someone is going to fuck up and then your boss will have my ass. This agreement he and I have is getting too dangerous to pull off. I want out,” the agent stated.

He heard Zand chuckled. “You’ll be out when the boss says you’re out. There are loose ends you need to cut, starting with some of those federal agents.”

“I’ve done enough already. How the hell did one job, releasing some inside information turn into me being responsible for all of this? I’m finished. I’ll complete this last shipment and then I want out.”

“You’re out when he says you’re out,” Zand replied.

“He got the woman, what else does he want?”

“The whole team. Dead.”

He was silent. He didn’t know how to react to this. He’d sold himself out, his country out and his profession. There was no turning back. Marzban owned him.

“It that really necessary?”

“It will send the right message, and it will end the investigations.”

“These are federal agents for crying out loud. I know these people.”

“Exactly, so you know where they are and how easily we can take them out. I have men in place. In a matter of thirty minutes two of the team of five will be eliminated. Get this shipment complete,” Zand said and then disconnected the call.

“Oh God. What am I going to do?”

As a federal agent he’d taken an oath, one he’d totally violated, corrupted, and ignored for his own personal reasons. These men he got involved with didn’t know or accept the word “no.” They were monsters, and so was he. He didn’t have a choice or they would kill him, too.

He pulled out the files and scanned for the security code. Once he got it, he looked to his computer and began to type in the information. He got the list of personal private residences of the five agents in the team. His heart was pounding inside of his chest. Once he sent these names and addresses to Zand, there was no turning back. He would have to plan his own escape and disappearance. His fingers shook above the enter key. He stared at the tiny white arrow that shook over the send button. He had a choice to make, and then he had to leave.

He clicked the button. “God help them.”

* * * *

“What’s going on? What are you doing?” Drake asked Mark as Mark had his ear to a satellite phone and his fingers typing away on the computer. Lucas and Diane were upstairs showering and he was supposed to help Drake make breakfast.

Drake was pissed off. His brother said he was telling the bureau that he was through. Why was he on the phone?

He listened to the one-sided conversation. Something about Brenda being alive, a covert operation, and three attempts to kill agents.

Drake felt his gut clench. Was his brother in danger? Would this government shit bring danger to their doorstep because he didn’t back off the case with Brenda? He was fuming with his fists by his side. By now Lucas and Diane were done showering and would be coming down for breakfast.

He watched Mark disconnect the call and then rub his hands through his hair with his head bent over.

“What the hell is going on?” Drake asked, raising his voice.

Mark didn’t even look up. He was stressed and concerned. Something was wrong.

“I need to be involved with this investigation a little longer.”

“Fuck that. You said you were done. You said that Diane and us come first. What was that call about?”

“A few agents in the team I worked in back in Wyoming were ambushed in their homes. Their personal homes. One is dead, two are in critical condition in their local hospitals.”


p; “Their personal homes? I thought that information was kept under wraps by the government?”

“It is,” Mark said and then turned to look at Drake.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic