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“Like, I think, we both like pleasure. We both like each other’s bodies. We both like what it would feel like for you to come on my tongue.”

“Oh my god.” June stepped closer. She planted her hands on the barbarian’s chest and meant to shove him out of the bathroom. She really, really did.

Except that his eyes were dark and smoky and shadowed with promise.

Except that he smiled deviously and swept his tongue over his bottom lip like he could taste her already.

Except that he let out a sigh of absolute hedonistic pleasure that made her icy knees want to collapse altogether.

Except that his mouth, his irresistible, sinful, trickster mouth crashed down on hers again.

And then her numb fingers were on the button of his jeans. She worked them off in record time, lack of feeling and all. She was kissing him, plundering his mouth as his tongue warred with hers, stroking and caressing so hotly she saw stars, sucking at his lips, nipping him as he nipped her.

His hands were on her jeans and he was far more effective. He shoved them down her legs and she stepped from them, eager to be rid of the clinging, freezing fabric. Her skin prickled with awareness. The hairs on the backs of her arms stood on end. He broke the kiss to rip her tank top from her. He didn’t stop there. Her bra was savagely discarded onto the floor. It probably wasn’t good for anything and she was reminded of the remnants of her dress.

Brock let out a growl and tore her panties right in half. Her head spun, sure she’d been transported to some parallel universe. She blinked, and Brock’s jeans were gone. Right along with his boxers and his t-shirt. He attacked his clothes the way he did hers. He showed them no mercy.

She was backed roughly into the shower, her back thrust against the cold, hard stone. He wrapped one hand around her back while he reached for the tap with the other. The hot spray poured over them both. It was so hot that it hurt, and she yelped, but after a few seconds, her numb skin grew accustomed to the temperature and she discovered it really wasn’t hot at all.

What was hot was Brock’s mouth. It crashed over hers again, claiming her, devouring her. What was hot were his hands, which travelled the length of her body before one settled on her breast. He palmed the globe roughly and she whimpered into his mouth, half shocked, half… god, half something she couldn’t even name.

“I saw you looking at my ass,” he panted as he ripped away. He flicked his thumb over her already straining nipple and she bucked into him helplessly.

“You’re full of yourself,” she hissed.

“Not as full of me as I wish you were at the moment,” he responded ruefully. He nipped her on the neck and flicked her nipple again. His breath was deliciously warm against her skin. “You can look all you want. My ass is yours. All of me is yours now.”

“What if I don’t want it?” she panted. “What if I don’t want you in this shower right now? What if you’re just imagining things in your head?”

His hand left her breast and skimmed over her waist. It dipped lower, grazing parts of her that came painfully alive in ways she didn’t know they could. She moaned and arched into his touch as his fingers dipped lower. His index finger glanced over her clit and a jolt of wicked heat shot through her. He dipped his hand lower, sinking it into her already soaking wet folds. And god, they weren’t wet from the rain or the shower.

“And do you?” He said hotly against her ear. “Do you want me to leave?” His finger pushed forward, dangerously close to dipping inside of her. June gasped. “Because if you do, your body is a really, really good liar.”

She needed to say yes. She opened her mouth, sure the words were there. “No,” she panted. “No, I don’t want you to leave.” Damn it! Damn him! He’d put some kind of spell on her tongue. On her body. On… on everything.

Well, two could play at that game. He let out a low, sensual laugh right by her ear, and slipped his finger inside of her. She gasped at the fullness. He stroked her gently, slowly, torturing her.

Her hand snaked out and she gripped his cock. He let out a loud hiss of surprise as her fingers closed over his shaft. She closed her eyes and kept her face turned away, so he couldn’t see her amazement at just how thick he was. God, he was huge. She hadn’t exactly stolen a glance when he’d stripped his clothes off. Now, she wished she had.

His cock jerked hard in her hand and when she stroked him, a shiver ran through his body. A sense of power surged through her, until his finger moved inside of her, banishing her ability to think.

Tags: Lindsey Hart Alphalicious Billionaires Billionaire Romance