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“Humans have made an incursion into the wild planet and are destroying the habitat of the wild ones.”

I expect a gasp of horror, or perhaps a stammered apology, a promise that she had nothing to do with any of this. Instead she frowns slightly before saying:

“Oh, dear.”

“Oh, dear? That is all you have to say?”

“I mean that sucks. They’ve probably made trillions,” she sighs. “I was going to make trillions. I was going to be so fucking…”

“The wild ones, the ones who saved you are being hounded out of their dens.” I interrupt her wistful wishing for money.

“Not for long though, are they? You’re obviously going to do something about it. Whoever it is, they won’t last long.”

“You’re right about that,” I say, slightly mollified by her assumption that I will destroy the humans who have invaded the planet. I thought she was unmoved by the plight of the wild ones, but it would seem she is instantly allied with my goals. “I will show them no mercy.”

“I would expect nothing else.”

I did not expect this little meeting to go well. I thought there would be tears, recrimination, terror. Instead, I find myself unexpectedly validated by my little human captive.

“Are you sure you did not know about this?”

“I knew the planet had been found by us, but I didn’t think we’d ever let anybody know about it, so I didn’t think other humans would be there so soon. But humans always find places eventually. It’s what we’re made to do.”

Made to do. That is such a delicious little phrase.

“Do you know what you are made to do?” I ask the question casually.

She blushes, and I know she knows what I mean.

“Present yourself for breeding,” I order her.

I need to break the tension that has been simmering since I saw concrete covering the pristine ancient plains of the lands of my ancestors. Fucking my human mate always puts me in a better temper, and it will be good for her to be reminded of her place before I use her in another, more practical way.

She stands up, letting her woven blanket slide from her naked body. I let my gaze drift over her. I have left marks here and there. There is a lingering redness about her ass, where she is forever being spanked for being the naughty human pet she is.

“You knew what was going to happen, didn’t you?”

She whimpers and blushes, and I can see a little hint of guilt in her eyes. She did know something. She suspected it, at least. Now she wants to be punished.

“I didn’t know,” she whimpers.

I can smell her scent, the hot juices of her cunt beginning to flow for me, her master. My human is never as turned on as she is when she is in trouble. I growl and let my anger seep in a little. It is not hers to bear, but she will take the brunt of it regardless because she is made for it.

“Bend over,” I order. “Touch your toes.”

She does as she is told. I have come quite some way in teaching her obedience. I have shown her that there is pleasure to be had when she pleases me. But there will forever be a part of this human that needs a harsher, rougher approach.

Standing behind her, I spank her hard across her cheeks, once, twice, three times. I watch the bright red blush appear on her rear with great satisfaction, and hear the little yipping yelps she makes with an equally pleased ear. Very good.

“Spread your legs.”

She inches her feet apart enough to allow me to push my fingers between her thighs. The little pouch of her cunt is bared to me. I cannot resist…

* * *


He’s cupping and squeezing my pussy with that possessive, rough animal grip of his. I am obeying because he has this magnetism that draws me now. When he speaks of breeding me, I feel myself get impossibly wet. He is rubbing that wetness around and in between my legs now, massaging and caressing me with my own juices.

“You make a good whipping girl,” he says, pinching my clit lightly before slapping my pussy. If he spanks me first, I’m going to be sore when he pushes his cock inside me. That, it seems, is his plan. He keeps me in that downward facing position, totally exposed, one hand on my ass, the other between my legs, both alternating swift and stinging slaps.

Volt has a talent for knowing how to take me to the edge in every way. His command of my body is absolute. One slap burns my cheeks, and the other makes my pussy sting, my nether lips swelling with his punishment until I feel them parting and giving way, allowing him to contact the even more sensitive parts of my pussy with his leathery paw.

Tags: Loki Renard Fantasy