Page 27 of Made in Manhattan

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“So, Cain,” Keith finally broke the silence from his seat beside Violet. “You said you worked in distribution?”

Oh, here we go.

“Yup.” Cain didn’t look up from his steak au poivre, which Violet was relieved to see he was eating with the correct fork, if not exactly in the Continental style of holding silverware that was generally favored among their circle.

“He’s a part owner, actually,” Violet said.

Everyone, including Cain, gave Violet a startled look.

She shrugged, refusing to feel embarrassed, and took a bite of potato. “I looked it up.”

Cain stared at her a moment longer, assessing, then glanced back at his plate, seemingly more annoyed than flattered.

“Vi, did Cain tell you he came by the office today?” Keith asked over his wineglass, apparently deciding to skip right over any evidence that Cain Stone might be successful back in Louisiana.

“He didn’t mention it,” Violet said, wiping her lips. Edith had, though. The older woman had texted Violet yesterday to let her know she had a day off from “Cain duty.” The phrase had irked Violet. The man didn’t need a babysitter, and a grown man shouldn’t be anyone’s duty.

Though, despite her irritation at Edith’s choice of words, Violet had also been relieved. She’d relived Monday evening, with its late-night jazz session and spontaneous pizza-on-the-sidewalk a few times too many. And no matter how often she had told herself that it had just been two strangers with a common goal, the fluttering feeling she got every time she replayed the day in her head made the whole episode feel a lot more like a date.

And one that she’d enjoyed far too much given that she and Keith had an understanding of sorts. Guilt was gnawing even harder this evening, with Keith’s arm draped around the back of her chair. The casual, possessive gesture was unlike him, but she told herself maybe a bit of proprietary body language on his part was a good thing. Maybe it would ignite the old spark she’d felt in the earliest days of their relationship.

She’d told Cain she loved Keith. Maybe if they acted the part, it would feel more… true.

“And, what’d you think of the office?” Keith asked Cain impatiently. “Probably a little overwhelming.”

Violet closed her eyes in frustration, wishing Keith would do his part to be a little more appealing.

Cain took a sip of water. “Overwhelming’s not the word. I grew up with gators living in my backyard. Wing tips are pretty tame by comparison.”

Ignoring this, Keith looked over at Violet, letting the backs of his fingers brush over the nape of her neck as he addressed her. “Cain’s office is one of the biggest, save for Edith’s and my own. Right on the corner with a hell of a view.”

“Keith,” Edith said calmly, not looking up from her plate as she spoke for the first time in several minutes. “If you’re going to swing your thing around, please do it somewhere other than at my table.”

Violet lifted a napkin to her lips to hide her grin and heard Alvin let out a low chuckle from the kitchen. Even Cain gave his grandmother an admiring half smile.

“I’m just saying,” Keith said, sounding petulant. “Cain’s sudden ascendance probably grates on some of the old-timers. They’ve been loyal to the company for years, and he comes in with no business experience—”

“No corporate office experience,” Edith clarified. “As Violet pointed out, he has plenty of business experience in his own right.”

“Whatever. People are probably pissed,” Keith said, sounding so sulky that Violet was a little embarrassed for him.

“So far, you’re the only one in a snit about it,” Edith said, pushing away her plate. “Everybody else seems to be too focused on their work to care about which office Cain takes.”

Violet braced for Keith to continue whining, but he apparently decided to finally read the room. He looked around, and Violet saw him taking in Cain’s indifference, Edith’s icy challenge, Violet’s silent plea to shut up already.

Keith sat up straighter, removing his hand from Violet’s chair, and seemed to transform back into his usual charming self.

“Forgive me,” he said to the group. “My upstairs neighbors threw a hell of a birthday bash last night. I didn’t sleep as well as I usually do, and I’m never at my best when I don’t get my sleep. Violet knows,” he said, giving her a wink. At least that’s what she thought it was. Keith had never winked at her before, and the gesture didn’t look particularly natural, so it was possible he just had something in his eye.

She felt herself blush at his unsubtle insinuation, though she wasn’t sure if the blush was due to her intimate life being discussed at the dinner table, or because it felt like a lie.

Or because she felt Cain’s gaze on her, and the mere eye contact gave her far more butterflies than Keith’s hand against her neck had moments ago.

Tags: Lauren Layne Romance