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He was crazy. I’d already come twice, and so goddamn hard, I couldn’t—

But then my entire body jolted as he started to massage that spot inside me. Jesus fuck, I’d thought the G-spot was an urban legend before tonight. And here he was, finding it time after time after—

I wailed as the orgasm started, my already sensitized body on edge and so ready for it.

And only now did he kiss me, swallowing and lapping up my lips and my tongue as I screamed, him never letting up those working, talented fingers of his.

It felt like minutes… or hours later after I’d collapsed on him, the world having gone so bright with the orgasm and then beautifully dim, rain dancing down my hot flesh, him cradling my head against his shoulder, that he finally traced his fingers up my arm and started unraveling the seat belt.

Oh… yeah. Right. I flexed my fingers, and they did feel a little numb. I blinked, feeling like I was coming back from a deep fog. What the—

He rubbed my hand to warm it up, and yeah, I guessed it was cold. I was actually cold all the way through really, standing out here in the rain. He released my other hand and I sort of fell against him. He was ready for me, though, and he caught me, one arm going underneath my shoulders and around my back.

“Here we go,” he said gently, opening the door to the truck and helping me climb back in.

All my limbs felt limp as wet noodles. Seriously, what the hell? I’d never felt like this after sex. I mean, no, I’d never had toe-curling sex while being tied up in the middle of a rainstorm with Jeremiah Walker obviously, but still! What the fuck!

I crawled over to my side of the truck cab, glad now for the warmth inside.

Jeremiah came in after me. Our wet clothes were twisted on the floor of the cab. I shivered and crossed my arms over my chest, still blinking a little in shock at what we’d just done. I felt almost embarrassed to look at Jeremiah. We were both still completely buck naked.

“Come here,” he said, breaking the silence, and I dared to look up at him. He had one arm held out.

When I didn’t move, he slid over the bench seat toward me and pulled me into his arms. I collapsed against him.

He massaged my wrists and I jumped a little. They were sore, I hadn’t even realized, from being bound in the seatbelts. I blinked up at him but he just pressed my head back down against his chest. “Hush now,” he said, his voice deep and rumbling. “Just rest now.”

And for once in my life, I didn’t challenge him. I did what he said. I rested my head against his chest, listened to his steady heartbeat, and lost myself in the warmth of him.



Holding her in my arms after what we’d just—

Fuck, I hadn’t let myself go like that in… years. And she was the last woman in the world I ever expected to with, no matter my stupid fantasies.

I dropped my head back against the headrest.

This was a part of myself I’d pushed down successfully for so long. Why the hell did it have to bust out now? This goddamn woman. She’d pushed my buttons at every turn from the very beginning.

It was still no excuse. There was a reason I’d held myself back from pursuing anything with her. It was impossible.

But really, it was fine. We hadn’t really done any damage. One wild fuck during a storm could be forgotten.

She’d wake up tomorrow morning and we’d put on our clothes and go back to hating each other. Everything would be normal again. We’d both forget this ever happened.

I could forget the warm grip of her body on my cock and the sweet way she’d given in to my every command. I could.

Or at least I could bury it down with all the other shit from my past that I never let see the light of day.

I’d be fine.

Everything would be fine. Just like always. Just like I always made it.

I closed my eyes and tried to drift. It was uncomfortable and cramped in the cab but at least outside the rain had finally slowed. Still hadn’t stopped, but it had slowed as the sun set and full dark settled all around us.

I should’ve made her drink some water before I let her fall asleep. I’d make sure she did when she woke up.

My cock was thick and hard underneath her—I wasn’t sure how it was supposed to be anything else with a hot, gorgeous woman sprawled across me.

But eventually I was able to drift off. I didn’t know how long for when suddenly Ruth was stirring on top of me and sitting up.

Tags: Stasia Black Stud Ranch Erotic