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My appetite for her is more voracious than ever. There’s something incredibly sexy about being madly in love with her, but not being able to have her anytime I want. I think we’ll get there eventually, but for now, she wants us to continue living separately and she lets me spend time with Nolan about once a week.

Her son comes first, and that’s one of the many reasons I know Indie is worth waiting for.

“What’s your name?” Nolan asks my mom as she steps into the pool for the first time.

“You can call me grandma if you want to,” she says.

Indie meets my eyes, hers shining with emotion. She’s told me Nolan doesn’t get to see any of his other grandparents much.

Within a few minutes, Mom and Nolan are sitting on the steps that lead to the shallow end of the pool, like the best of friends, Nolan telling her about his favorite books, movies, and toys. Indie will soon find out that my mom loves being a grandma, and has just unofficially adopted Nolan as her grandson.

When Indie gets out of the pool to grab a drink, I follow her.

“Hey,” I say, popping the top of a fresh bottle of Corona and walking up to her. “How are you?”

She smiles and says, “I’m really happy. How are you?”

“I wish I could kiss you right now, but besides that, I’ve never been better.”

We agreed to no public displays of affection when Nolan is around. Indie wants to be sure we’re ready for a long-term commitment before allowing Nolan to see me as more than just his mom’s friend. We’ve got a sex lunch scheduled at my house for Monday, and I plan to spend the whole hour making up for not being able to kiss her today.

I get an early start on making up for it that evening, though, when everyone is out back watching Toy Story 2 on my outdoor projector. Well, everyone except me and Indie. Nolan and Jasmine will probably fall asleep in their beanbag chairs, juice boxes in hand, after swimming all day.

“You have no idea how much I want you right now,” I say after sneaking into the guest bathroom behind Indie.

I kiss her neck until she makes the little moaning sound that gets me going hard. She presses her body against mine and runs her hand up my neck and into my hair.

“You have to wait for our sex lunch,” she whispers.

I groan. “I know. But Jesus, woman, put on a shirt before you kill me.”

She smiles, amused. “You don’t like my swimsuit top?”

“No, I like it too much. Enough to rip it off with my teeth.”

“I love it when you’re a savage.”

“Pike?” my mom calls out from the kitchen.

“Shit.” I step back and look down at the outline of my erection in my swim trunks.

“I’ll go,” Indie offers, smoothing a hand down her hair. “Splash some cold water on yourself.”

I grab her ass a final time before she leaves the bathroom and then look at my reflection in the mirror. In a matter of months, I’ve gone from having no idea what I wanted to becoming almost fully domesticated.

Even during my partying days, family was always the most important thing to me. My family has been Mom, Kylie, and Jasmine for a long time, but now I’m hoping to add two more people. Whenever Indie’s ready, I’m all in.

And this bet is a sure thing.

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Tags: Brenda Rothert Sin City Saints Hockey Romance