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“Hey,” I say.

My mind runs through all the things I want to say next, but I don’t lock onto any one thing before Indie lets loose.

“What is it about me that made you think I’d be fun to make a game out of?” she demands.

Shit. She’s really pissed. I hang my head, droplets of water falling from my hair to the bathroom floor.

“I never thought that. Kingston saw you rip me a new asshole at practice over the baseball and he said there was no way I could ever…”

“Fuck me?” she fires. “Just say it.”

I move the phone away from my mouth and sigh. This is the same side of Indie I saw that day at practice when we first met, only this time, I deserve her fury.

“Indie,” I say softly. “You know how much I like you. You know it’s real.”

“How would I possibly fucking know that? You’re an asshole! You let me come over to your house and tell you about my son and kiss you, and you said nothing. Not one word.”

“I was planning to. I swear I was. And not because of the article, but because I wanted to be honest with you.”

She practically growls into the phone as she says, “Why should I believe that the man who lied to me this entire time has suddenly decided to be honest?”

She has a point. I close my eyes, fearing I’ve lost my chance with the only woman I’ve ever felt wrecked over.

“I get that you’re mad at me,” I say. “You have every right to be.”

There’s a pause before she catches me off guard. “How’s Jasmine?”

“Uh, well. She’s doing really well. The doctors said she’s out of the woods now and the worst part is over.”

“That’s good. I should have asked about her first.”

She sounds relieved to know about Jasmine, but I know she’s not past her anger yet. Still, I feel a flicker of hope.

“Did I mention how sorry I am?” I ask.

“Is that the only reason you came into the coffee shop that first time?” Her voice trembles, full of emotion, hurting me more than any hockey hit ever has. “And every other time?”

Fuck. This may cost me everything.

“I want to be worthy of you, and that means I’ll never lie to you,” I say. “It was the reason I came in the first time, yes but it wasn’t the reason I kept coming back. Each time I spoke with you, I wanted to know more. I really like you, Indie. I didn’t care about the bet. Seeing you was…” I pause to clear my throat, a lump welling. “It was the best part of my day, every time. It still is.”

“I trusted you,” she says, sniffling before taking a breath.

I feel like the world’s biggest asshole. Check that—I am the world’s biggest asshole. I made the most incredible woman I’ve ever known cry. I don’t deserve her, but I also can’t go back to a life without her.

“Look,” I say, feeling desperate. “The first time I walked into the coffee shop was because of the bet. Nothing else since then has been. Nothing I’ve said and nothing I’ve done. Did I want you, and do I still, more than anything I’ve ever wanted? Yes. Fuck yes. But not because of that stupid bet.”

“I want to believe you,” she says softly.

“What can I do to show you I’m all in?”

“I don’t know.” A couple seconds of silence pass. “Maybe we should go back to being friends and see what happens.”

“No.” I pace into my bedroom, still not completely dry since I didn’t finish toweling off. “I can’t risk losing you to someone who won’t love you like I do. I know I have to earn your trust again and I know I have to earn the right to meet Nolan, and I totally respect that, but give me another chance, Indie. Please. I made a stupid mistake that I’m going to both remember and regret forever, but what we have is the real deal. You know it is.”

“Don’t tell me what I know,” she snaps, her fire returning.

I smile, because I’m not just in love with the soft, sweet parts of her. I also love her fearless, passionate heart.

“You tell me, then,” I say, my pulse pounding with desire for her as I await her answer. “Do you just want to be my friend, Indie? Do you want to watch me date other women?”

“You’ve got a lot of balls, Pike Morgan.”

“No lies detected.” I grin. “Now answer the question.”

“Do you have other bets going on? About other women? Do you guys compete to see who can get women in bed first?”

“No to all three. What that reporter wrote wasn’t completely true.”

She growls out a frustrated sound. “Do you want to convince my overprotective, meddling sister you’re not a douchebag?”

Tags: Brenda Rothert Sin City Saints Hockey Romance