Page 6 of Unexpected Mates

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She glanced up at him, looking like she was fighting with herself, before she took a deep breath and blurted out, “I’m pregnant.”

Parker watched, her stomach a nauseous ball of nerves, as Ty paled, staring at her

like he’d just seen ghost.

She frowned as he sat frozen. He didn’t even look like he was breathing. “Ty? Maybe you should put your head between your knees or something.”

That seemed to snap him out of it and he shot to his feet, pacing the small room. “Pregnant? You’re pregnant?” He swallowed hard. “It’s mine?”

Parker fought the hurt that crashed over her at that question. He didn’t know her, not really. He didn’t even know that he had been her first.

“Yes, it’s yours. I have no doubts about that.”

Ty nodded absentmindedly, continuing to pace a path over the worn carpet. The silence stretched out, making Parker more and more uncomfortable. Telling him hadn’t been easy. A big part of her hadn’t even wanted to come back here at all, but she wouldn’t have been able to live with herself if she’d never told him. Plus, there were things she needed to know to raise his child.

“Look, Ty, I don’t expect anything from you. I just thought you should know. Nothing has to change. I’ll go back to California, you can go back to your farm, and things stay the same.”

Tyler stopped pacing and glared at Parker, his chocolate brown eyes darkening to black. “What the hell do you mean, nothing has to change? You’re pregnant, Parker! With my child! Everything will change, and if you think--.”

Tyler abruptly cut himself off as Parker bolted off the bed, making a beeline for the bathroom, her nausea finally getting the best of her. Stress made it worse, as well as lack of food. That’s what she got for skipping lunch and then not eating at the diner. She’d found that she didn’t get sick as often if she ate small meals throughout the day.

Shutting the door, she knelt in front of the toilet, heaving and trying to breathe through it. She jumped when she felt hands gathering her hair back from her face. She hadn’t even heard him follow her in. She fought a blush as her stomach revolted again. This wasn’t exactly how she’d wanted this to go, and she was suddenly grateful that she hadn’t managed to eat anything earlier. How embarrassing would this be if she was actually throwing up?

“You shouldn’t have come in here. You don’t need to see this,” she gasped out just before her stomach heaved again.

“Doesn’t bother me,” Ty replied, holding her thick hair in one big hand and rubbing circles on her back with the other.

After what felt like a small eternity, Parker’s stomach finally settled down and she leaned back. Ty scooted back and leaned against the counter, studying her as she avoided his gaze.

“Sorry about that. It hits unexpectedly sometimes. Well, every time, really.”

Ty waved her words off. “Are you feeling better then?”

“Yeah. I’ll be fine now. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.”

Ty shoved up onto his feet and held a hand out to her. “Let’s get out of the bathroom, then.”

Parker hesitated and then placed her hand in his, letting him help her to her feet. They walked back into the room and Parker had just taken her seat when her stomach growled, long and loud. Blushing, she put her hand to her stomach.

“Sorry. I haven’t eaten since breakfast,” she told him, avoiding looking at his face.

“Since breakfast?” Ty rumbled back at her, voice filled with disbelief. “Dammit, Parker, you’re pregnant. You’re eating for two now!”

Parker stole a peek at him, surprised. “I was nervous. It was hard enough to eat breakfast.”

Ty glowered at her for a moment. “I’ll go get you something. Wait, you’re feeling sick. Maybe I can get some crackers or something. Crackers are okay, right?”

“I’m not feeling sick anymore, but I can eat later.”

“The hell you will. You need food now. What sounds good?”

“Pizza!” She blurted enthusiastically, blushing when her voice came out too loud.

Ty smiled at her, a genuine smile that reached his eyes and stole her breath. “Pizza it is, then. I’ll go grab one. What toppings?”

“Just cheese is fine for me,” Parker replied, keeping her voice at normal volume this time.

“I’ll be right back,” Ty said, heading for the door. “And we’ll talk when I get back.”

Tags: Grace Brennan Paranormal