Page 27 of Unexpected Mates

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A flash of relief, followed by triumph, flashed through his eyes before he lowered his mouth to hers again. This kiss was still gentle, but the softness was gone, replaced with a heated intensity that stole her breath. He kissed and licked and nipped, and Parker did her best to participate but it was more like she was just holding on for the ride as he ravished her mouth.

He eased her back onto the bed, following her down and lying beside her, his body big and hot against hers. He trailed his mouth back across her jaw and then down her throat as he slid one large hand up her waist. Her breath caught as his hand reached the underside of her breast, and then she moaned, half in disappointment that he didn’t go higher, and half in pleasure as he licked at her neck.

Ty nipped her throat as his hand slid back down to her waist, and she could feel him smile against her neck. He knew he was driving her insane, the ass. Not willing to let him be the only one playing, she pushed him back a bit and reached for the hem of his shirt. She felt herself blushing, but she couldn’t help it. She’d never tried to undress a man before, even during their last time together.

Luckily, Ty either didn’t notice her blush or wasn’t going to comment on it. Accommodating her, he sat up and pulled his t-shirt off. Parker stared, riveted at the sight of his muscular chest, as he tossed the shirt over the side of the bed. Before he could settle over her again, Parker brought her hands to his shoulders, sliding them down his impressive pecs before moving them over his washboard abs. He had more tattoos on his chest, and another on his side, and she wanted to trace every one of them with her tongue. She’d never seen a man look like this other than in movies or underwear ads. She hadn’t even thought that a normal man could look like this.

As normal as he could be when he turned into a wolf occasionally, she thought wryly. Then again, maybe that was part of why he looked the way he did.

Her fingers reached low, brushing against the edge of his jeans, and she secretly smiled when he hissed out a breath and his hips involuntarily jerked forward. The fact that her touch could pull that reaction from him was heady stuff, and she brushed her fingers under the waistband of his jeans just to feel it again. This time, he let out a strangled groan, and satisfied, she trailed her fingers back up again.

“Alright,” Ty said gruffly, catching her hands. “That’s enough of that torture for now.”

“Don’t like it when the tables are turned, do you?”

He brought one of her hands to her mouth, nipping the pads of her fingertips one by one, before lowering it again. “You’ll be the one who doesn’t like it when this ends too quickly. I’d like to at least be out of my jeans when that happens.”

Parker felt her eyebrows raise. “I have that kind of effect on you?”

He leaned in to kiss her lips before pulling back. “Of course you do. Since the moment I saw you in Pete’s four months ago.”

Parker knew her smile was a cross between smug and surprised, but she couldn’t help either feeling. She never would have guessed that the effect she had on him was as potent as the effect he had on her. Her-- short, chubby, plain Parker Leighton.

Her musings were cut short by Ty reaching for the hem of her shirt, and she couldn’t stop herself from stiffening. He hadn’t seen her body in almost five months, and even then, it had been relatively dark in the room, the only light coming from the streetlights outside. There was a lamp on the dresser that was turned on in his bedroom, and her body… She’d been chubby then, but she was even more filled out now. Her breasts, already large, had just gotten bigger; her belly was rounder with his child. He might not have been disgusted by feeling her body against his, but she couldn’t help thinking the sight of it would turn him off.

“Hey,” he said softly, noticing her hesitation. “What’s going through that pretty head of yours?”

She could feel a blush creeping into her cheeks, but she couldn’t stop it any more than she could answer him. Even if she wanted to, her throat has closed up tight. She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head and forcing herself to speak.

“Nothing,” she finally croaked.

“Do you want to stop?”

Eyes shooting open at that, Parker shook her head more vehemently. “No! Don’t stop. It’s fine. I’m fine. Promise.”

Ty didn’t look like he believed her, but he drew her up slightly so that he could pull her shirt off. Parker eased back down, unable to keep her eyes from closing. At least she had on her good bra tonight.

The silence was stretching on, making Parker more and more uncomfortable, when she heard a gust of breath leave Ty. “Parker,” he breathed. “You are so gorgeous.”

Did he just say she was gorgeous?

Parker slowly opened her eyes, not sure she’d heard him right. He was staring at her body with a dazed look on his face, and the look in his eyes was almost… reverent?

He reached a hand down, slowly trailing it over her shoulder, leaving a trail of fire in his wake, before tracing a finger down her bra strap. He followed it to the edge of her purple and lace bra, following the edge along her breast. She sucked in a trembling breath at the feel of him against her skin.

“Are you bigger here than you were before?” He asked, swallowing hard.

Fighting down the embarrassment she felt over her even larger than normal bust size, Parker nodded. “They’ll get even bigger than this at the end of the pregnancy,” she admitted.

He must have caught something in her tone because he frowned and looked up at her face. “Parker? What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.”

He continued to study her for a moment before realization dawned in his eyes. “Parker, baby. How many times do I have to tell you how beautiful you are? Everything about you. Don’t be uncomfortable. Not with me. I’ll never think you’re anything less than stunning.”

Parker was mesmerized by the sincerity that shown through his eyes, and the conviction in his voice. He really meant that. She thought maybe he always had, but it was just now becoming clear to her. No matter how anyone else saw her, no matter how she saw herself, Ty loved the way she looked. He didn’t mind her curves or her larger than average breasts. He didn’t mind that her belly wasn’t flat. And he didn’t think she was plain; he thought she was beautiful.

Warmth filled her chest as she nodded at him. “You really feel that way, don’t you? I can’t promise that I’ll overcome all of my insecurities at once, or even very quickly, but I’ll try.”

Tags: Grace Brennan Paranormal